Recent content by Zoomerang96

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  1. Zoomerang96

    First Lemonade Stand Post In 10 Years One of 'Kieran McConville's' 'Stories'

    I believe the statue of limitations have passed to allow the redacted pieces to be published. kieran, do you mind updating?
  2. Zoomerang96

    *licks lips and groans "can i have some?"

    that was some fucking good juice tbf
  3. Zoomerang96

    I've Been on Interference So Long...

    I've been here so long, U2girl and I didn't know what real love was... until we found each other.
  4. Zoomerang96

    I think this forum should be renamed 'Lemonade Man'

    Can we please merge this with other Kieran threads? This forum is out of control, lets bring back some sense of order, guys
  5. Zoomerang96

    Set list party : BOK Center, Tulsa; May 2, 2018

    Impressive setlist, in its own way. Very heavy on recent material which is certainly unique and brave for a band as old as U2. That said, I dont particularly care for a lot of their new stuff but they clearly believe in it. I suppose that is something. Just imagine what a full band/live Hold...
  6. Zoomerang96

    U2 on CTV in Canada this weekend - Sunday

    Two songs in the first thirty minutes. Unbearable with all these adverts. The two songs were really good though
  7. Zoomerang96

    Shuttlecock XX - Laz Is All You Have Left

    Count me as another who considers landlady the highlight of the album
  8. Zoomerang96

    SOE promo tour/promo activities

    What the fuck is wrong with your life if you spend 30 years watching a programme that you say sucks to the extreme that you only rate five performances from it? Do you have any idea how daft that is? ... or, you know, maybe you’re embellishing to an embarrassing degree
  9. Zoomerang96

    Shuttlecock XIX - send $40 now for your opportunity to not get a presale code

    Of the songs we hadnt heard before the leak, I genuinely enjoy the majority of it. Didnt think that would happen. Ill gladly take it
  10. Zoomerang96

    Shuttlecock XIX - send $40 now for your opportunity to not get a presale code

    I think you and I have a lot in common nowadays
  11. Zoomerang96

    Shuttlecock XIX - send $40 now for your opportunity to not get a presale code

    Trust me, I had rock bottom expectations for this album based on the tracks released. American Soul and The Blackout are brutal, but the rest of this... is really, really surprising me. Im hoping I dont change my mind on this, because I could definitely do with another U2 album that I like...
  12. Zoomerang96

    SOE 35 - it’s finally here, let the debate on how good/bad it is begin!

    I’m justified for being disgusted with American Soul, Joey Ramone, etc, when they pull out songs like this (that was poorly put considering the aforementioned song is on this album). This is probably their best album since Pop. Its about fucking time
  13. Zoomerang96

    SOE 34: If there is a leak, don't let it go unheard

    Just listening to the leaked rip, and Im delighted to hear that American Soul and The Blackout are far and away the lamest songs. Honestly surprised by the rest. Hopefully this holds up, as my first impression on a number of these is quite positive
  14. Zoomerang96

    American Soul.

    I get that, but Volcano was a disaster of a song to begin with and the band should have issued a public apology for it sooner than bring it back to life in the form of a part 2.
  15. Zoomerang96

    American Soul.

    Its just a really, really naff song isn’t it. There are so few layers to peel away from this simplistic tune littered with every gross Bonoism he’s been spewing for decades now. I cant be the only non American here who is absolutely finished with Bono’s incessant praising of the US. Throwing...
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