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  1. T

    Revelation 12

    Besides Love and cheap cosmetics.. I believe that scripts turn into movies that play out before rows of eyes in a dark room.. and the audience just goes along for the ride. I mean, what else are you going to do with all the fiat currency on a Saturday night? Or do you not know what Zoo...
  2. T

    Revelation 12

    Hey Bevis, so it's got everything to do with the lyrics. From the opening salvos of love appearing from nothing, shooting up through the stoney ground, to "no room to rent in the inn...", to the Great Dragon (China) right in front of you, to the Days of Noah, Jose and Maria... no destination in...
  3. T

    Revelation 12

    This one has come around again with the Sept. 23 Revelation 12 sign craze on You Tube, so it's worth another mention since it's been 17 years and we're still stuck in that moment somehow. It was the release of All That You Can't Leave Behind.. a nice enough title about being born again, rapture...
  4. T

    Song for Someone

    So for my money, Songs of Innocence - calling in for free on an Apple device.. laced with something that affected all the sleeping beauties.. it was beautiful - and I'll want the money back if ex-wives don't wake up at 33.. so release all the voodoo you've got and the Songs of Experience on good...
  5. T

    Song for Someone

    I was told that it it would be better than ok.
  6. T

    Song for Someone

    You tell me, Beavis.
  7. T

    Song for Someone

    This is why we don't have nice things
  8. T

    Song for Someone

    I don't think it's says in the liner notes that Exit, complete with lightening storm, is about the crucifixion.. but you know that it is.. or you do now.. and you might owe me 30 gold pieces for the info.. plus an extra 10 dollars for Trump to fix the problem.. because the truth is that Bono...
  9. T

    Song for Someone

    The liner notes are the public keys.. there is more encrypted for those holding the private keys as well. I know about Waterloo Station.. it's not invisible, but it might be from the seats on the lower level of the bus.
  10. T

    Song for Someone

    I'm guessing, and if I know how Bono's imagination works, that he read the news on July 7, 2005... like he did on April 4... and many other days. July 7, 2005 – London - a coordinated attack using subway trains and a double decker bus. Liverpool St and Edgware Road.. and one of the trains was...
  11. T

    Song for Someone

    I guess the answer to the original question is “not really”.. rich men eat alone from the white bag... alone, except for the good thief, the bad thief and the block-chain ledger of reconciliation. I'll come back to this, but let me take a step back and ask a few more questions. When you...
  12. T

    Song for Someone

    So Woody might be guilty of being a little higher than everyone sometimes.. and guilty of the crime now in hand as the most innocent one in a Boston bar, but why give a name to a character in short film where his name is never used? According to Wikipedia, the “Aaron Brown” name claims to...
  13. T

    Song for Someone

    You should get yourself tested... looks like you're a genius. I was thinking that everyone wants to go where they know your name... but there is whiskey in the jar-o and they've closed down the Blue Jaysus from what I've heard... He was cast as 'Aaron Brown' in this video.
  14. T

    Song for Someone

    You joke, but close, Danny Boy.. so close. So, a Widow's cruse, you've may have googled, is this biblical idea of an inexhaustible supply. But I took a second look at this video after the O.J. parole hearing. Kind of dark, but I'll come back to that later. So I took a close look...
  15. T

    Song for Someone

    So I'm wearing pants, as far as you know.. but does the phrase 'Widow's cruse' ring any bells?
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