Recent content by TheEdge_92

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  1. TheEdge_92

    If you know U2 and The Edge Haters

    People dislike Edge because he doesn't do 10 min solo's. Not because he uses delay, i have heard people mention the delay, but it doesn't make sense whasoever. Because look at David Gilmour he uses delay as much as Edge. No one slags him off for using delay. Maybe it's the jealousy of Edge...
  2. TheEdge_92

    The Stone Roses Reunite

    Great news, i have always liked Stone Roses. Ian Brown is such a nice bloke, once before one of his shows, i was playing football outside with my mates, and he came out and gave us all free VIP tickets.
  3. TheEdge_92

    What one bass should I get?

    Get a double bass and have your own look. :D
  4. TheEdge_92

    Guitars You'd Like To See Edge Play

    I'd like to see The Edge play my guitars, and then give me them back. And i would show him how its done. :hyper:
  5. TheEdge_92

    Jedward wants to duet with Bono...or U2...or something

    The incest twins. That's what i call them.
  6. TheEdge_92

    Edges Old set up

    Yeah i know Noel and Liam go to the City games often, not together though....
  7. TheEdge_92

    Edges Old set up

    The times iv'e spoken to him, we've spoken about football. He's an avid supporter of Manchester City.
  8. TheEdge_92

    Edges Old set up

    I see Johnny Marr nearly all the time, he lives by Brothers house in Manchester.
  9. TheEdge_92

    London's burning

    And who's the biggest crook of them all - "call me Dave" David Cameron.
  10. TheEdge_92

    Jedward wants to duet with Bono...or U2...or something

    That link is 10 minutes 53 seconds too long to bare :crack:
  11. TheEdge_92

    Jedward wants to duet with Bono...or U2...or something

    If i had a rifle with two bullets.... fuckin run you pair of wankers!! :D lol
  12. TheEdge_92

    London's burning

    Daily Mail = Daily Fail
  13. TheEdge_92

    London's burning

    Don't get me started...:crack: lol
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