Recent content by TheEdge1987

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. TheEdge1987

    SPOILERS U2 eXPERIENCE + iNNOCENCE Tour Rehearsals/Soundcheck Thread SPOILERS

    I am really not excited about the proposed set list
  2. TheEdge1987

    The Little Things That Give You Away - Appreciation Thread

    So from the Andy Barlow Billboard interview it looks like this song has been knocking about since the no line sessions.
  3. TheEdge1987

    Early Song Rankings

    Summer of Love Red Flag Day Lights of Home The Showman Little Things Love is bigger than anything Blackout Love is all we have left Landlady 13 Best thing Get out Summer of Love Little things & blackout may have been higher if I hadn’t heard them before. American Soul may have been better if...
  4. TheEdge1987

    Summer of Love - Appreciation Thread

    Please give your thoughts on Summer of Love. Wow, I can’t stop listening!
  5. TheEdge1987

    Oct 26, 2015 - London, UK - O2

    Hi, I know it's a bit early but I am looking for one additional GA ticket for this show so I can take my Dad. Thanks guys! Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  6. TheEdge1987

    Wille's Diary

    No Willie's diary so far on, is it normally this late in appearing? Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  7. TheEdge1987

    U2 LP13 Discussion

    Strange that the domain is still available
  8. TheEdge1987

    New Album Discussion (Will it be bigger than Zeppelin? Rush? Bon Jovi? Jesus? Allah?)

    Has anyone looked up U2 invisible for domain name registrations yet?
  9. TheEdge1987

    More New Album talk from the Space Moon

    Has anyone looked to see if any new domains have been registered recently apart from ordinary love?
  10. TheEdge1987

    More new U2 album discussion!

    Thanks for your work Flying Colors. Perhaps the website registrations are now handled by Live Nation since they run the U2 website?
  11. TheEdge1987

    More new U2 album discussion!

    Thanks for the help Misterboo. Does anyone have access to these reports or know how we can get access to the information like in this old atu2 article?
  12. TheEdge1987

    More new U2 album discussion!

    Yes that's right, exactly the same format and we knew the get on your boots title quite early. Does anyone know how to search for these by date of registration?
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