Recent content by TheEdge10

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  1. TheEdge10

    SOE 14: The Morning after Meltdown

    My thoughts: Predictable. Made me realize that U2 definitely can't do these one-off/festival-type appearances, and that their search for "relevancy" is over. I thought that if they wanted to keep some of the younger fans there, they should've opened with something like Streets. Still a thirty...
  2. TheEdge10

    SOE Lucky 13: Dallas Lies in Vegas ...TONIGHT!

    Drake is fantastic Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  3. TheEdge10

    Next tour?

    I hated how half the section I was sitting in left to go get beer during Unforgettable Fire at Toronto 1. Pisses me off. Also during Zooropa at Toronto 3. Anyways want to see Acrobat, UV, The Fly, Numb and some random deep cuts on the next tour. Hope that they do arenas, like Elevation. Or maybe...
  4. TheEdge10

    It's very Quiet.

    I got a new Boss DD-20. Great delay pedal. Love it. Did you get anything new?
  5. TheEdge10

    Best Song Survivor: Zooropa Round One

    Love The Wanderer, so Some Days.
  6. TheEdge10

    Best Song Survivor: Late 1980s Quarterfinal Round Two

    Love Comes Tumbling. Nearly voted Heartland, though.
  7. TheEdge10

    Best Song Survivor: Rattle and Hum Round Three

    Wow... very hard. Wish Love Rescue Me was still in, love that song, but its between Heartland and Van Diemen's Land. But its gonna have to be VDL. Sorry Mr. The Edge.
  8. TheEdge10

    Best Song Survivor: Rattle and Hum Round One

    I think I'm the only one who loves Love Rescue Me. Sure, it's a bit long, but it was perfect on 360.
  9. TheEdge10

    Whats the special announcement tomorrow?

    I was excited for something like new live tracks or something... And then we get another god damn remix.
  10. TheEdge10

    New Album Plan (Hypothetical)

    Me too. Only remix I cared for was EBTTRT Fish out of Water.
  11. TheEdge10

    Favorite Live Opener?

    Fez- Being Born would have been incredible as an opener. Sad they never did it. I really like that song.
  12. TheEdge10

    Any scans of U22?

    You wish.
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