Recent content by Stardust1979

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. S

    How? Nov 19, 2005

    No video but there was audio. Some girl had showed me her vids and I took what I could get but they weren't that great, it was bouncy and noisy and that's about it. The audio was nice though. Gosh I can't believe it's been almost a year.
  2. S

    How? Nov 19, 2005

  3. S

    How? Nov 19, 2005

    Ok it's been awhile. Does anyone know where I can find audio or video of November 19 in Atlanta??? I can't find anything for U2 torrents other than the 18th. I'm picky and I want the show I attended. I use to know someone who was going to get me the show on CD but he's vanished. :( Help?
  4. S

    How? Nov 19, 2005

    Thanks, I browsed yesterday but nothing for Nov 19 :(
  5. S

    How? Nov 19, 2005

    Forgive my ingornace...what is u2torrents?
  6. S

    How? Nov 19, 2005

    Wow! Thanks, good to know! Sincerely, Anne
  7. S

    How? Nov 19, 2005

    Can someone lend a newbie some help. I'm looking for anything video/audio from the Nov 19, 2005 show in Atlanta. I'll do my best as far as trades but I don't have the world's best collection, yet I've loved them since I was a kid. My husband did get awesome photos at the show since we got...
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