Recent content by Shane Madden

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. S

    U2 Fans Helping Other U2 Fans Get Tickets

    This is great and a huge help! Thanks a million for the link, really appreciate it.
  2. S

    U2 Fans Helping Other U2 Fans Get Tickets

    Any spare tickets for Dec 1st?? Hi Everyone, Shane here, a long-time lurker and rare poster. So myself and a friend are flying from Ireland for the Dec 1st show (the excitement is truly building), however, one of my other friends (who recently got obsessed with U2-even the POP album :hyper: )...
  3. S

    Looking for 2 Dublin Tickets any date

    Hey Guys, So I watched too many videos of the Manchester show and now I'm getting psyched. I convinced my friend to go see a first U2 show but wasnt able to get tickets because its impossible :crack: Looking for 2 tickets in the 100-150 price range for any of the Dublin shows, if anybody knows...
  4. S

    Ordinary Love

    Wouldnt mind a listen...
  5. S

    Vote for IGCIIDGCT on VH1 Top 20 Countdown here

    Wrong video!!! wheres the animation one???
  6. S

    Some personal thoughts on No Line On The Horizon, 6 months after release

    Its in my top 3 of U2 albums and the only fault i can see 6 months on is the boyband SUC...Something it could have done even hooked by GOYB which i love live because its rockier!!! Going by that song kingdom that they walk onto stage with SOA is gonna be a great follow up!!! U2 ARE...
  7. S

    To Stadium or To Arena: A Poll

    Oh ya..80,000 fans screaming the lyrics so far this tour is way better than 25,000!! but that just might be European fans as they tend to be louder than those in the US!...IMHO!!:reject:
  8. S

    To Stadium or To Arena: A Poll

    STADIUM HANDS DOWN!!!! This is where U2 sound there best and are far more inovative (zoo tv indoors would not work). And as for rain...when a concert starts the rain never bothers me!!!:sexywink:
  9. S

    The What In The Fuck Did They Do To Crazy Tonight thread.

    i love the album version its a really good song...but live it doesnt have the umph as the remix does!! plus we all ready have one "baby baby baby...":wink:
  10. S

    Barcelona II Setlist Party, Part III!

    That would be a terrible video:shifty:
  11. S

    Barcelona II Setlist Party, Part III!

    ITS definately not a video shoot..theyve already hired an irish guy to do an animation video
  12. S

    Barcelona II Setlist Party, Part III!

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