Recent content by sean121

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. S

    Need advice to find good DAW software

    Is it possible to export the track in WAV format from Garageband?
  2. S

    Need advice to find good DAW software

    Hi there, I'm just getting back into home recording and music composing and I have been researching DAWs for a Windows 10 (64 bit OS). I really like the Studio One interface, but I am just curious to know if it is possible to download a song from GarageBand in a format that can be edited in...
  3. S

    What am I eating

  4. S

    Best U2 song for your alarm...

    "Beautiful Day" would be perfect for a good day ahead.
  5. S

    backup iPhone

    I see nobody replied to you with this simple problem. You can simply use iCloud to back up your data or you can also back up using your computer but for that, you need Catalina in your MAC.
  6. S

    The Climate Crisis

    With the pace, we are damaging the environment, I think we can see the apocalypse with our own eyes. The govt. think that they are becoming a superpower and strengthening their economy but in fact, all the nations are marching towards their own destruction. We are just blind-folded with dollar...
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