Recent content by ryancoke71

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. ryancoke71

    RIP RavenBlue

    I was just told about this and it is extremely upsetting. We "met" on here and eventually became friends on Facebook. She was such a lovely soul. We would talk often during hockey season, and I will miss the fun banter we had. She had an excellent eye for photography as well, and I found myself...
  2. ryancoke71

    Things I Love: Part Love-Things-Like-Mad

    I love a sincere apology. It takes a lot of guts to do that. :up: I also love spontaneous text messages that make your day. :heart: Wow, it's been a while. I blame Larry's interview for sucking me back in.....
  3. ryancoke71

    PGP: I'm Dreaming of a U2 Christmas

    Grace, that is totally understandable! :hug:
  4. ryancoke71

    Working title = "Ten Reasons to Exist"?

    :shifty: As I said on fb, I don't care if it is one album or 2, just bring back the leather!!!:drool:
  5. ryancoke71

    Working title = "Ten Reasons to Exist"?

    Ohai! :wink: So is Facebook! :lol:
  6. ryancoke71

    Working title = "Ten Reasons to Exist"?

    Interference is going to implode if that happens! :wink:
  7. ryancoke71

    Hey, DRay9911, let's make this place happen!

    Oh the irony! :wink:
  8. ryancoke71

    PGP: I'm Dreaming of a U2 Christmas

    :shifty: I haven't been here in forever, but what the HELL has happened to Adam's hair????? HOLY SHIT!!!
  9. ryancoke71

    Things I Hate, Spring Edition

    Cancer. Fuck it. I am missing you badly Mike. I can't believe you are gone.
  10. ryancoke71

    PGP-Dirty dancing into a new thread

    It's tricky because here it is aired live. I haven't posted any spoilers, outside of the opening ceremony because I honestly thought it would be aired live everywhere. I am a HUGE Olympics nut!
  11. ryancoke71

    Coldplay: Chris Martin And His Xylo Toes - Part 2

    Kristen and I are still in shock. Seriously.
  12. ryancoke71

    Coldplay: Chris Martin And His Xylo Toes - Part 2

    Not only did they know, I was upgraded by roadies looking for real fans both nights!! We almost died when a roadie came up to us night one while we were hanging out at a table and asked if we were big Coldplay fans. We said yes, and then he asked some questions to test us. We answered, and he...
  13. ryancoke71

    Things I Love: Part Love-Things-Like-Mad

    The countdown is finally over. We leave tomorrow!!! :hyper:
  14. ryancoke71

    Random Music Talk LXI: In Which PFan and GAF Drink a Lot

    Just stopping in to say Happy Birthday Cobbler! :wink:
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