Recent content by ronaldocarlos

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. ronaldocarlos

    (10-02-2006) Definitive 'Best Of' on the Way --*

    cover for the album
  2. ronaldocarlos

    Vertigo Tour Santiago to be broadcasted!!!!

    i can dream with listen Acrobat :drool: on Santiago
  3. ronaldocarlos

    Achtung Baby, the videos the cameos...... subtitulos por favor!!

    hola, alguien tiene o sabe donde puedo encontrar subtitulos en español del video "U2 - Achtung Baby [the VIDEOS, the CAMEOS, and a whole lot of interference from ZOO TV" y tambien de uno que se llama "VH1 ''All Access'' U2 Special 14-04-2005". gracias
  4. ronaldocarlos

    All I want is you video

    but at the end the girl appear in her bed trying to sleep......I'm so intrigued
  5. ronaldocarlos

    All I want is you video

    hi, i saw for the first time the video of "all i want is you" and i didn't understood the end. who died?. I thought that was the little guy but at the very end he is alive? (sorry my poor english)
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