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  1. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    I'd love this to be true - to hear them lean into their age and the more reflective side of their work. However, I'd be very surprised if they changed their approach now. Atomic City seems like a better indicator since it's so recent.
  2. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Harsh, but probably true. The evidence (Eno falling out with them for not getting a co-writing credit on ATYCLB and the guitar riff they 'borrowed' from Tedder's band) certainly points that way.
  3. P

    Staring at the Sun - Sad Bastards Mix

    It's bloody good, isn't it? The sped-up bass line; the ear-piercing distorted guitar/synth solo; and the much darker atmosphere the music gives to the lyrics. Over the years (27 years!), I'd estimate that I've played this mix far more than the original. Flood at his very best. They really...
  4. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    I agree that the Discotheque video was a problem. I was at secondary (high) school when it was released and I can vividly remember a friend saying, "you like that song with the weird video?" when I mentioned Pop.
  5. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Yeah, it's great. Given that parts of the album began with Howie B playing them loops as starting points for songs, I've often wondered whether this mix is a glimpse into that process. Bono's vocal is whole other level Bongolese. Pop was my intro to U2 - and I came to it as a teenager who was...
  6. P

    I listened to No Line on the Horizon right through tonight for the first time in about 10 years…

    Question: do we think No Line was the last time they started songs as a band? This thread prompted me to go back and look at some of the 'making of' videos and it's striking how closely they're working together. Eno's description of how Moment of Surrender came together doesn't sound like many...
  7. P

    I listened to No Line on the Horizon right through tonight for the first time in about 10 years…

    Seconded. It's an amazing piece of work. In fact, I can still remember my first listen, being genuinely (and very pleasantly) shocked by the way Bono delivers the opening line, "I tied myself with wire". A masterpiece.
  8. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    "This is a mansion the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning stole from the Edge - we're stealing it back."
  9. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    I'd love to hear Andy Barlow work with U2 again. Little Things and Book of your Heart were my favourite songs and also (to my ears) the most progressive sounding songs on the last album. I wonder if that sound also comes from them getting Tom Elmhirst to mix it. I've just listened to Adele's...
  10. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Very interesting. The production team makes sense in the context of Atomic City, but also Edge's appearance on the Lol Tolhurst / Budgie / Jacknife Lee album and Jacknife Lee's involvement with Bono's tour. To echo what others have said, this news makes me wonder if this is a process of...
  11. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Fair enough. We all have different things that we want from music. Re-threading the same old path over and over is not for me. They played some of the new music during his interview on Ruck Rubin's podcast recently. It sounds _quite_ different to REM.
  12. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    I remember at one point reading Larry Mullen say that he was shocked when he heard that REM were quitting. (Sorry, I can't find the quote.) I wonder whether that changed his relationship with U2 - realising that it was possible for one of their contemporaries to simply walk away? And, of course...
  13. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    An idle observation: if you wanted to normalise the band continuing without its founder member/drummer, putting an image of a different drummer on the cover of an official release, on which the original drummer does not feature, would be a fairly good way to go about it...
  14. P

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Me too. I haven't liked much of U2's output since NLOTH - a handful of songs excepted - but this is good.
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