Recent content by Philisedge

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Philisedge

    Another One NOW PLAYing Bites the Dust

    One Direction-Live while we're young
  2. Philisedge

    Word Association Game #25

  3. Philisedge

    How's The Weather Part XXlX

    Amazing!39c deggrees.So hot here.And also so sunny!!!
  4. Philisedge

    The Song That's Stuck in Your Head (#9)

    22-Taylor Swift.
  5. Philisedge

    What Are You Eating? (07-10-13)

    I'm not allowing myself to eat anything,'cause as I might have said before,I'm on a diet.
  6. Philisedge

    Freestyling Friday-What would your present be?

    That is so amazing!!!I hope he did get them!And I know this might sound a bit stupid,but wouldn't it be great if he actually found you and thanked you face to face?
  7. Philisedge

    Things I Hate, Spring Edition

    I hate that the ECPE results take to long to be anounced.They said that in about five days the results will be anounced.I can't wait that long Wish me luck,please!!!!!
  8. Philisedge

    Things I Love: Part Love-Things-Like-Mad

    I love summer!So many cool things happen at summer You go anywhere you want,rest all day,meet your friends,meet new people,get crushed by a "handsome" guy and travel with your friends at sandy beaches!!! I think that I misunderstood teenage years.Being a teenager is awesome!!!!
  9. Philisedge

    Your U2 song for today, Part II

    City of blinding lights!!!
  10. Philisedge

    Freestyling Friday-What would your present be?

    @jeevay: please, answear honestly, you can do it here!! :D Yeah,please do it.We won't tell anyone! :))
  11. Philisedge

    Freestyling Friday-What would your present be?

    Oh,guys those are great!So cute!!!
  12. Philisedge

    What Did You Just Do? Part #6

    Drank cold water.
  13. Philisedge

    What Are You Doing? Part 21

    Watching photos of Jude Law! ;)
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