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  1. phanan

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    Biden's team acknowledged it, reaffirming how important it was to vote in November. Obviously it will be referenced plenty between now and then. I mean, if they really have a debate, he can just keep referring to Trump as "my opponent, a convicted felon" and that would be sufficient, getting...
  2. phanan

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    Home confinement = no campaigning. That's enough to make him go crazy.
  3. phanan

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    That's a quick verdict, which I would think favors the prosecution.
  4. phanan

    NBA 2023-24 Thread

    I'm all for the T-Wolves to keep this series going as long as possible.
  5. phanan

    NBA 2023-24 Thread

    Walton was such a great addition to that '86 team. Glad his legs held out for one last run that season.
  6. phanan

    NBA 2023-24 Thread

    Quite the opening first game. Glad the Celtics showed some toughness in a close game finally, but I don’t know if I can take each game being like that.
  7. phanan

    NBA 2023-24 Thread

    sign me up, but I just don't think this Bruins team has it in them hope I'm wrong
  8. phanan

    NBA 2023-24 Thread

    Hope Indy wins tomorrow to drag that series to seven games.
  9. phanan

    NFL Thread IV

    Haha, the Patriots schedule release video is great
  10. phanan

    NBA 2023-24 Thread

    Everything's an exaggeration when it comes to Stephen A.
  11. phanan

    NBA 2023-24 Thread

    Hopefully it's just a Game 2 thing
  12. phanan

    Shuttlecock XXV: Cool Hats Club

    The Please single version beats the album version just for the inclusion of the guitar solo, so no.
  13. phanan

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    Did anyone catch Biden on Howard Stern? You watch that and wonder how some people can possibly fathom that he's worse than Trump.
  14. phanan

    NBA 2023-24 Thread

    Whoever emerges from that series, I’m just glad it’s gone the full seven.
  15. phanan

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    He certainly wasn’t giving away his shot.
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