Recent content by ozone

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  1. O

    June 4th, 2011 - Seattle PART 2 - Because it NEVER rains on Romi's birthday

    So are people getting numbers and going home? Or are people getting numbers and staying overnight in line?
  2. O

    June 20, 2010 - Seattle Qwest Field

    FYI As of right now ticket master has GAs for this show available.
  3. O

    (10-23-2006) The Hunt Is On! --*

    Case. In. Point.
  4. O

    (11-02-2005) Rumor: Vertigo Tour Extended into 2006? -

    I know that the flyer for honolulu says that it's the end, but there's an article on the boston globe thattalks about dave matthewes, it mentions the fact that the sox have requested a permit for fenway but don't have an act gives me the ever sooooo slightest shred of hope. a man can dream...
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