Recent content by Musikwala

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. Musikwala

    Without their 90s foray into otherworldly music...

    Yeah, this forum has really gone to the dogs! I remember back in the day around 2002 to 2006, it was a paradise of positive opinions and everyone would be so friendly with each other... sigh! :) I was mostly kidding with my original post. Maybe the lack of smileys threw you guys off. I...
  2. Musikwala

    Without their 90s foray into otherworldly music...

    My tongue was placed firmly in cheek, The Panther. I agree with you 100%.
  3. Musikwala

    Without their 90s foray into otherworldly music...

    ...U2 wouldn't be regarded any different from a band like Bon Jovi. Washed out 80s band with a 'pretty boy' for a lead singer. I don't think there is much difference quality-wise between How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb and Slippery When Wet. Discuss.
  4. Musikwala

    Interferencers you would find in U2 heaven

    Hayyy guyz... wat's going on in dis thread? This fucking place is still open?? Geez!
  5. Musikwala

    Song For Someone - Song Discussion

    This may be the first time in the last 10 years or so that I find myself agreeing with you on something. Splendid!
  6. Musikwala

    Album that Created your Fandom!

    Such a nice thread! I loved reading all your stories! :heart: My story is similar to what Headache and Elfa said. Sat up and took notice of the band with Achtung Baby, specifically the music videos for One, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways and Who's Gonna Ride. Loved all of...
  7. Musikwala

    The Bends is a damned beautiful album!!!

    Intedomine vs. Laz... those were some funny days. You know, these days every time I see Michael Jackson's Bad album in my collection I'm reminded of Lazarus.
  8. Musikwala

    the things you missed

    Whatever happened to Von Schloopen? Did he get banned? I miss his random ass video thread.
  9. Musikwala

    The Bends is a damned beautiful album!!!

    I was remembering yesterday about when I saw them live in 2008 in NYC... a bunch of people in front of me put their hands up in the air or did a fist-pump or something when those 2 random guitar blasts (don't know what else to call them) occur during My Iron Lung. Good times!
  10. Musikwala

    Tame Impala - Lonerism

    My work firewall is blocking that link. Can somebody summarize? Album title? Month of release revealed?
  11. Musikwala

    The Bends is a damned beautiful album!!!

    Bulletproof (Wish You Weren't) is also one of my fav posts in this thread. Yeah, High and Dry was overplayed quite a bit at the time on MTV and elsewhere. Same with Fake Plastic Trees. I love them both though. Damn... MTV used to play a lot of 'alternative rock' those days!
  12. Musikwala

    Best of Non-Album Tracks

    Thank you. :)
  13. Musikwala

    The Bends is a damned beautiful album!!!

    :up::up: See, I absolutely adore Kid A too but songs like Bulletproof and Nice Dream are in my Radiohead Top 10, maybe Top 5. Fantastic stuff!
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