
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
downhill skiing, dance, music, art. Expensive shoes and fashion week (to watch, not to buy).
Nov 21, 1971 (Age: 52)
web designer
Favorite U2 Album
Pop and No Line have virtually tied - though I shouldn't pick favorites...
Favorite U2 Song
That is far too hard a question to answer. On a good day, I could probably come up with one per album though.
Been a U2 fan since
Prized item in U2 collection
A copy of ATYCLB by Adam that I won in a charity auction for 'Camp Heartland'. Best money I ever spent.
Favorite U2 lyrics
"...But I’m running down the road like loose electricity
While the band in my head plays a striptease..."
Favorite U2 band members
Anyone who knows me knows the answer to that question...
I was introduced to U2 by
My Dad, who brought back Boy from a trip to the UK
U2 shows I've seen
I have seen every US tour since 1981 and at least two shows per tour since the WAR tour.
Have you met U2?
Perhaps... ;-)
Propaganda member?
Other Bands
Everything from Radiohead, Paramore, Muse, the Beatles, the Killers, the Black Keys, OK Go to Johnny Cash, Miles Davis, Parliment, Black Eyed Peas, Janelle Monae, and Lady Gaga...the list is endless...
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