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  1. M

    Lights of Home

    Damn right. This and Summer of Love are gifts from... er.... *coughs*
  2. M

    Lights of Home

    This tune should be a single – so good, so good. On a related note... PLEASE DON'T RELEASE LOVE IS BIGGER IT'S LAAAAAME! Thank you.
  3. M

    Summer of Love - Appreciation Thread

    Jolly good show. I love this tune! For me it's the second best song on the album after Lights of Home. Be great to hear it live (hint hint)
  4. M

    Live Nation banned from reselling U2 tickets

    ... unfortunately just in Italy!
  5. M

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    That ole' video on the beach is on ice, for sure. But on a serious note, the video is really quite confrontational to what Trump stands for. It's not subtle but HOT DAMN I'm proud they've released it! Can you imagine Coldplay releasing such a defiant message in these polarised times...
  6. M

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    Exactly - mobilised. *UK spelling
  7. M

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    Maybe they took a look at out and thought "Oh God, we finally look old. Call the animators!" On another note, yeah those comments on YouTube. Wow. Troll central.
  8. M

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    I like the refu-Jesus bit! At least it’s innovative. What sinks the song is a lame chorus. The verses are amazing.
  9. M

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    I thought the “I could sing it to you all night” bits sounded better than the studio version with strings and proper drums.
  10. M

    Lights of Home

    The new songs were the best performances at the BBC! I agree Lights is among the all time great U2 songs. My baby was born 3 weeks ago and it has become a really meaningful soundtrack to the experience for me.
  11. M

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    That DID look like a good afterparty. Where’s the uncut version!
  12. M

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    Great to hear Lights of Home. But! If they end the tour with that Love is Bigger gibberish we are gonna have a problem...
  13. M

    SOE FAN + industry reviews only

    It’s **** from the Guardian in a review I mostly agree with: LOL the hernia line!
  14. M

    Lights of Home

    Great song. Anyone know who produced it?
  15. M

    SOE 35 - it’s finally here, let the debate on how good/bad it is begin!

    I’m digging Red Flag Day. The band sound more naturally agile than they have in years - after the forced funk of Stand Up Comedy I thought their hips had left them for good. Kudos to Larry too, it feels like he’s stepped up a gear.
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