Recent content by midnightlemon

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. midnightlemon

    U2 3D will be Wikipedia's featured article this Saturday

    Do you mean the link? Well I wrote the article so I nominated it to be featured on the main page this week. The links are available for each date about a week or two prior to it being featured on the main page.
  2. midnightlemon

    U2 3D will be Wikipedia's featured article this Saturday

    I don't understand what you mean...
  3. midnightlemon

    U2 3D will be Wikipedia's featured article this Saturday

    In honor of the fifth anniversary of the premiere of U2 3D, Wikipedia will be featuring it as "Today's featured article" on their homepage this Saturday, Jan 19. Here's a sneak preview: Wikipedia:Today's featured article/January 19, 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I wrote this article...
  4. midnightlemon

    Which Songs Should Have Been Singles?

    Definitely Ultraviolet. Without a doubt. I think it's odd Eno wanted MOS as a single. It's a great song but just not radio friendly. Editing it down would have just ruined it. BTBS would have been good, especially seeing at how often it was played live. Zooropa (edited promo version) would have...
  5. midnightlemon

    Philly U2 fans

    Anyone on this site from the Philly area? I'd love to meet members in the area who share a similar passion for U2.
  6. midnightlemon

    What songs do you predict will be on the NEXT tour?

    We can all dream, but I think we have a better chance of hearing Acrobat. Bono said he could only hit Lemon's falsetto as Macphisto, and he retired Macphisto after Zoo TV ended. I can see Love Comes Tumbling, seeing how it's Larry's favorite and he's stated how he's wanted to play it live.
  7. midnightlemon

    Lady With The Spinning Head

    BY FAR my favorite B-side. The extended dance mix is even better. I can listen to that over and over. I doubt we'll see it live only because two other songs came out of it. I wasn't just one of those "scrapped" B-sides. It was more of a "foundation" one.
  8. midnightlemon

    What Popmart Regular Song Do You Miss The Most?

    Pop and PopMart is my favorite album and tour, respectively, so it's hard to just pick one song that I miss. I can't believe they played a song from every album on 360 except Pop! LNOE, Gone, Discotheque, and Mofo are my favorites. I love IFWSHA but it just never sounded right live. Edge's...
  9. midnightlemon

    Best Intro

    I feel like Breathe was very underrated as an opener and it just killed me to know it was left off the Rose Bowl DVD. I remember right after the album came out, I was wondering how U2 were going to open their shows. I thought they would open with Breathe, then NLOTH, Boots, and Magnificent. A...
  10. midnightlemon

    Bono and K'naan talk famine - Anderson Cooper 360 interview

    The lead story was about Somalia. Cooper was criticizing how the news is so big that is should be the main headline in every newspaper (kinda how Bono was). He did go on to briefly discuss the London riots about half way in, then he went back to Somalia and finally the Bono/K'naan interview.
  11. midnightlemon

    Bono and K'naan talk famine - Anderson Cooper 360 interview

    Tonight's episode of Anderson Cooper 360 featured an interview with Bono and Somilian-born singer K'naan on the current famine in Somalia. The TV interview was only a few minutes, but the entire video (about 10 minutes) is online. I haven't seen Bono this angry since Sunday Bloody Sunday in...
  12. midnightlemon

    U2 Philly

    Now that the show is over, it would be cool to have a fan meetup sometime. I live right in the city and would love to set something up if there are fans in the Philly area that are interested.
  13. midnightlemon

    Achtung Baby/Zooropa remasters CONFIRMED for Fall 2011 by Rolling Stone

    Amazon US just listed the Uber Deluxe set for $588.57. Holy shit! That price tag just blows my mind. I don't even know how to react...
  14. midnightlemon

    Depression sucks.

    My depression has been so bad that I was once too depressed to go an event where I could have literally met Bono. I was supposed to meet up with a friend but I instead spend the night at home. Meanwhile, she got the chance to chat with him face-to-face and get a few pictures taken with him...
  15. midnightlemon

    Need a U2 buddy

    The next tour can't come soon enough. Although I just don't see how it could top 360, especially if they do an arena tour in the US which is very likely. But next time I'll be sure to camp out in GA and hit up as many shows as possible. I better start saving now.
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