Recent content by -macphisto-

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. M

    Top 20 albums of the decade so far?

    In no order.... 1- Doves- Lost Souls 2- Arcade Fire- Funeral 3- Syd Matters- Syd Matters 4- Bloc Party- Silent Alarm 5- Beach House- Beach House 6- Beck- Sea Change 7- Blonde Redhead- Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons 8- Broken Social Scene- You Forgot It In People 9- Emily Haines -Knives Don't...
  2. M

    Coldplay - Viva La Vida... Continued Discussion

    Great Stuff, I'm also loving these songs, it's good to have Coldplay back!
  3. M

    Rapper Snoop Dogg converts to Mormonism

    Diamond you are on the ball, thanks for setting me straight. I wasn't sure if the article was a april fool's or what.
  4. M

    Rapper Snoop Dogg converts to Mormonism
  5. M

    so ... Mitt Romney.

    Mitt was the best man for the job, it's too bad he's gone.
  6. M

    LDS-Mormon President, Gordon B Hinckley passes away..

    He was a good honest man.... he deserves to rest and be with his wife RIP
  7. M

    "radiohead's next album" countdown and anticipation thread - part ii

    Thom's the man, I like this interview
  8. M

    Bright Eyes - Cassadaga

    Ok I have given this a few listens and Im not liking it more then IWAIM, but it's still pretty good. I loved the opening track(the mixing in particular), middle man, no one would riot for less, and few others I cant think of.
  9. M

    Things you shouldn't admit here...

    "Elevation" is the worst song U2 has ever written U2 studio is better then U2 live I never listen to U2 bootlegs I havent listened to a U2 album in 5 months "Scarlet" is U2's most profound and lyrically brilliant song ever
  10. M

    name the worst song on your favourite album

    Fitter Happier would be my second choice, although.... after I saw a documentary on Radiohead and got a inside look at the song "fitter happier" I now have a greater appreciation for it. The piano, the subtleness of it all
  11. M

    name the worst song on your favourite album

    The only song I don't listen to on OK:up:
  12. M

    Korn is covering Radiohead. The end is nigh.

    I would have to agree with most people here that the cover is horrible, but the lyrics suit there personality so that's probably why they covered it.
  13. M

    pop vs. atyclb

    I'll take a stab at this 1- Beautiful Day vs. Discoteque = Beautiful Day 2- DYFL vs. Stuck = DYFL 3- Mofo vs. Elevation = Mofo 4- IGWSHA vs. Walk On = IGWSHA 5- SATS vs. Kite = SATS what is so great about Kite? It's an ok song but it's not deserving all the love it get's here. 6- LNOE vs...
  14. M

    Favorite Movies

    In no particular order 1- Rocky 1 2- Braveheart 3- Donnie Darko 4- Cast Away 5- Memento 6- Far And Away 7- Meet Joe Black 8- 7 years in Tibet 9- The man who knew to little 10- Schindlers List 11- Life is Beautiful 12- Dog Day Afternoon 13- Pulp Fiction 14- Saving Private Ryan 15- Pride and...
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