Recent content by kiwilad

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  1. kiwilad

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Yeah I’ll give you that. And Oh Berlin, Soon, The Troubles… I’d love them to be able to reach their former giddy heights of stadium mastery, but I don’t think Edge and Bono are capable of writing those songs/riffs any more. I think the theme you’re getting at is song writing which is less...
  2. kiwilad

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    FWIW, I think Atomic City is... fine? The most offensive part, for me, is the pathetic guitar break which, in typical Edge style (recent Edge anyway) is a poor little collection of notes, repeated. Best part of the song is the Blondie chorus. But for all that's meh about it, it's not bad...
  3. kiwilad

    Down All the Days

    Dazzled, Oh Berlin is on Vimeo. Type vimeo oh berlin into google and you'll find it. An absolute stunner too. Enjoy!
  4. kiwilad

    Make the worst setlist possible

    U2 earnesyly plays Hillsong covers for two hours while Bono switches 'Jesus' for 'America' at every opportunity
  5. kiwilad

    LBTAIW - Parody Lyrics - Little Brother’s Are Not Bendable On Passenger Planes

    The implication is little brothers are bendable as long as they're not on passenger planes. But... i don't know what that means
  6. kiwilad

    St Mary’s Butts, Reading, England Superthread

    Finally. A weather thread! Ax sounds like he'd thrive in Greymouth. Massive shoegaze scene there.
  7. kiwilad

    Ongoing Mass Shooting Thread #3... that's right, a third thread. Because 'Murica.

    Hmmm. I should have put in a sarcasm emoji [emoji6]
  8. kiwilad

    Ongoing Mass Shooting Thread #3... that's right, a third thread. Because 'Murica.

    Here's an idea: Put a new tax on all firearms. Say, 100% extra - double the cost. The money from the tax goes into a victim support fund. Perhaps your annual license (is there such a thing?) can increase massively too for the same cause. Will it stop the shootings? No. But it might help...
  9. kiwilad

    US Politics VII

    It's like a cartoon of someone careering down a steep street on an out of control skateboard. I really hope the US stays upright till the end of this guy's term.
  10. kiwilad

    US Politics VI

    But the fact it was a legitimate fear is just wonderful isn't it? Amazing what 70000 votes can do to the world...
  11. kiwilad

    Songs of Experience 37 - now with bonus orchestra

    A bit late to this party but this one made me choke
  12. kiwilad

    US Politics VI

    And yet... if you look at this Trump presidency from a distance, and I mean time and space distance, he's trucking along as he has been from the beginning. Playing to his base and trusting his self confidence will sway enough of the rest. Still no facts to bury him. Still no GOP revolt. Still...
  13. kiwilad

    U2 Catalog: Results Here

    I knew that would have been axver. Quite happy to light a torch and march with a sharpened pitchfork to his abode, if anyone else is keen... Thanks LN7. Have been eagerly awaiting this and, like the best christmas mornings, the reality matched the anticipation. Huge thanks and respect.
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