Recent content by juliaguliaxo94

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. juliaguliaxo94

    I Spy #9

  2. juliaguliaxo94


    :hug: Well as you all know, Friday came and went. Luckily, he wasn't there, but his girlfriend was. We actually ended up talking after we "loosened up" a bit, and we both made it clear that we don't have anything against each other, in fact, we only think good things of each other. :) Me and...
  3. juliaguliaxo94


    Thanks to you as well ! :hug: I honestly don't know I get so worked up over him all the time. He's simply not worth it. I think I just need to get over the fact that time moves on, what we had is over, it's all in the past, there's nothing I can do to change it, and that a new relationship...
  4. juliaguliaxo94


    Thank you! :hug: That's what I intend on doing - keeping as far away from him as possible, and only talking to him when I have to. And yes, we'll be VERY safe. :wink:
  5. juliaguliaxo94


    Hello all. Just another advice thread. As you may have remember, about a month and a half ago I was expressing my grief I had over a break up I went through on here. Things are better now, and I'm looking forward to a new relationship with someone new, whoever that may be. However, my ex is...
  6. juliaguliaxo94

    U2 songs your mother will like.

    Those songs are poetry. :shifty:
  7. juliaguliaxo94

    Getting over break-ups

    Thank you, I appreciate it a lot. :hug: I'm thinking about him a lot less. I think I'm starting to just get over it. Achievement? I think so. :wink:
  8. juliaguliaxo94

    How many songs should the new album have?

    I'd say about 390275071364760760327816123490776534678997354427686787976543567808753312344555325477 songs. Just about.
  9. juliaguliaxo94

    Getting over break-ups

    ^lol. :wink: Thanks guys. :hug: I'm doing better, I guess. The only thing is that the memories just keep replaying over and over again in my mind. :slant: I can't stop thinking about all of our great times, and how back then it was so much better than it is now. I want to just forget about him...
  10. juliaguliaxo94

    Getting over break-ups

    Thanks :hug: But I'm going through a rough patch again. Just seeing him in school yesterday made my heart twist. :sad: Getting up in the morning is terribly hard. Sometimes I'll see him in the hallway and for a split second I'll think we're still going out, but then I'll remember everything...
  11. juliaguliaxo94

    Getting over break-ups

    Thanks to all :hug::hug: I'm doing better, it's getting easier. For now, I'm just focusing on myself for a bit. :hug:
  12. juliaguliaxo94

    Getting over break-ups

  13. juliaguliaxo94

    Getting over break-ups

    About a week ago, my then boyfriend basically dumped me and said he didn't love me in the same way anymore. He still wants us to be friends. We went out for 4 months. He's 15, I'm 16. It really hit me hard and I couldn't handle it. I couldn't stop crying. We just had such a good relationship...
  14. juliaguliaxo94

    Things I Hate Part 'Why The Feck Do We Hate So Much Stuff?'

    Getting...dumped. :sad: Now I know what it feels like to get the short end of the stick.
  15. juliaguliaxo94

    Johannesburg Setlist Party 13-02

    His hair just keeps getting poofier and poofier. :crack::cute:
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