Recent content by JimmyO

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  1. JimmyO

    Saturday, January 27, 2024 - Sphere, Las Vegas, NV

    Will be in from NY with a buddy for his birthday weekend. We first saw U2 together in college for the PopMart tour. I’m looking forward to this more than I’ve looked forward to a concert in a long time. :)
  2. JimmyO

    'Ahk-toong Bay-bi' Covered: Q magazine CD

    So you're saying I can't have found inspiration from a musician who lacks technical abilities? I feel safe in stating that the number of drummers I have played with probably exceeds the number of drummers you have seen perform live. It's 6 of one or a half-dozen of the other (rimshot), but...
  3. JimmyO

    'Ahk-toong Bay-bi' Covered: Q magazine CD

    Acrobat is in 12/8. Love is Blindness is in 6/8, as is Trip Through Your Wires. The longer phrasing of 12 vs. 6, and the relatively faster tempo of Acrobat vs. LIB and TTYW would make it a real bitch to play live. Acrobat was a departure for them purely from a music theory standpoint, and...
  4. JimmyO

    'Ahk-toong Bay-bi' Covered: Q magazine CD

    Because it's in a fast 12/8 meter, and they're not good enough technical musicians to pull it off?
  5. JimmyO

    'Ahk-toong Bay-bi' Covered: Q magazine CD

    Are you kidding? The last 90 seconds, the way he gently twists the lyric before the guitar solo into that haunting "what are we going to do now?" repeated over and over and over in the background, sub-dividing the 12/8 measures.... Acrobat is my favorite U2 song by a long shot and has been for...
  6. JimmyO

    'Ahk-toong Bay-bi' Covered: Q magazine CD

    Acrobat is by far my favorite. There's an anguish there missing from the original. The way he takes the "What are we going to do now?" line and repeats it in the background, hauntingly, through the last 90 seconds is pretty awesome. Also, the drums are blistering. They really knocked it out of...
  7. JimmyO

    October 3 - Stadium Raleigh - NC

    Where is everybody going for BBQ Friday night? Apologies, but digging through the thread, I can only find reference to it, not the actual name of the place. This will be U2 show number 7 for me, first on this tour.
  8. JimmyO

    Raleigh/Phoenix - Presale/General Sale Discussion Thread

    Got my tickets for Raleigh with no problem, through the fan club thingy. I didn't want to take a chance on Friday, because we'll be at the beach and I don't want to have to run around trying to get internet access or cell service. In for 4 GA. See you there!
  9. JimmyO

    Last Song Before Taking the Stage?

    Lookit that... I looked over a bunch of threads, but didn't bother to check the FAQ. Sorry for the clutter. Mods, delete this thread if you wish.
  10. JimmyO

    Last Song Before Taking the Stage?

    My deepest apologies if this has been covered already, but I haven't been able to find this information after a search... I just got back from the Buffalo show, and was wondering what the last song was on the house system before U2 took the stage. I know those songs are usually the same from...
  11. JimmyO

    Passengers Radio Documentary - 2CD

    Up for auction on eBay: Passengers: Original Soundchat 1, a UK promo-only 2CD radio documentary sent to radio stations in 1995 around the release of OST1. Over an hour of interviews with Bono, Edge, Adam & Larry, as well as Pavarotti, Howie B, Brian Eno & Holi. Island Records catalogue # OST2...
  12. JimmyO

    An idea, since there are already so many forums... (cross-posted to correct forum)

    ...and dissatisfation/satisfaction with setlists appears to be among the most divisive issues on these here boards, what's one more? I propose creating a forum for the sole purpose of complaining about setlist length/variety. And those that like to refute such arguments can post there, too...
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