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  1. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    I can no longer deal with those whose intolerance of dissent is so ingrained they seek to shutdown conversation with personal attacks and pejoratives such as bigot, racist, homophobe, uneducated, uncompassionate, mean, the cause of suicides and, according to Philly, evil. I can no longer deal...
  2. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    Do you think suicide has only one victim? If i could get FYM to think just a little about what happens AFTER a suicide you might understand some of my sentiments.
  3. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    Good. Maybe they'll think twice about the pain they'll leave behind and think three hundred times about the finality of the act of suicide. Maybe you missed the "all suicides are tragedies" part of the post. I'm anti-suicide. All major religions are anti-suicide. Bigotry, hows that? Those with...
  4. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    What did the states do with the money? Are states powerless to address the problem? Is the answer to every problem a big, bloated program administered by the geniuses in Washington D.C? Why would a federal War on Mental Illness be any more effective than their War on Poverty or War on Drugs?
  5. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    It is a fine line isn't it? I'm sure you commented that this was done for many reasons including civil liberty issues, cost, overcrowding but also the advent of effective anti-psychotic medications that allowed many patients to lead normal lives...if they took their medication. I'm sure you...
  6. I

    The Gay Thread

    That's kinda the point as most gay couples will just take their business elsewhere too when turned down... but a few are less tolerant and more political. Anyway, whatever good he did is surely obscured by the wrong he practiced and taught. That's one man's opinion anyway.
  7. I

    The Gay Thread

    Will any gay bakers be solicited to prepare several "god hates fags" cakes for the funeral repast? Can they politely say no?
  8. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    Let me de-generalize my ALL with All suicides* * excluding psychotics and the mentally ill that fail to respond to treatment, those that martyr themselves to save the lives of others, those that sign Do Not Resuscitate waivers, and probably some others. This would make an interesting topic as...
  9. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    Seriously, I give up. I assume that loved ones, friends and colleagues had done everything possible to help but if someone still takes their life they are ultimately responsible. The Devil isn't to blame. High fructose corn syrup isn't to blame, Judas Priest records aren't to blame and mean...
  10. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    Ironically this^ in a thread about humans feeling or thinking they are something other than their biological (chromosomal) sex. Do you really think I believe someone can "think" themselves to to grow taller than their genes would otherwise determine? Or change their eye color or otherwise defy...
  11. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    Sorry but that's BS. Suicide is always a tragedy but always a choice, an act of selfishness and cowardice that leaves those behind feeling guilty and feeling helpless and to to blame. Am I equally at blame for the suicide rate among the chronically depressed and unhappy because I'm one happy...
  12. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    Vlad wants to blame others (folks like me) for the suicides of gender questioning youths. I'm no more the cause of their suicides than Vlad is of Russian suicides. Shame that the absurdity of both is lost to FYM.
  13. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    Who dragged Nazis into this? Who is blaming others for suicides? Or for lacking empathy and compassion for that matter Dieman? It would be nice if we could argue ideas without questioning the motives and character of each other.
  14. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    Russia has second worst suicide rate in the world | SOCIETY | The Moscow News And people like Vlad are the reason for the suicides in Mother Russia? Of course not. Not only does my philosophy recognize inherent biological sex as true human nature but also the dichotomous flesh/spiritual...
  15. I

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    I didn't, Mussolini did. But feel free to start a thread on the totalitarian nature of the Left.
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