Recent content by IanIinTheSky

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  1. I

    Early song rankings

    1-Every Breaking Wave 2-Sleep Like a Baby Tonight 3-The Troubles 4-The Miracle 5-Volcano 6-This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now 7-Song for Someone 8-California 9-Iris 10-Wolves 11-Cedarwood Rd
  2. I

    What songs will NEVER be played again?

    I think The Ocean was the most surprising song from their last few tours
  3. I

    What songs will NEVER be played again?

    I don't know. Depends on the city/venue. I bet more of the casual American fans in football stadiums would know GOYB more than Exit.
  4. I

    New Album Discussion: Electric Lady Studios

    The next tour's setlists are already stale! :lol:
  5. I

    Will U2 Tour in arenas in 2014?

    I can't seeing U2 doing a residency somewhere. I think they prefer to go "all in" when it comes to tours.
  6. I

    From the Sky Down, Davis Guggenheim's Achtung Baby documentary to premiere at TIFF

    We silence them with culture Made you look, you do do what I say Got to feeling like you ma-ma-ma-ma-may Those who want you dead understand what you feel Got your manical manner, voice of steel Got the flags and rocks, we got the eyes of cocks I wish 'em stay up on the board until he kill the...
  7. I

    What songs do you predict will be on the NEXT tour?

    You never know. I think it was practiced a few times during Vertigo Tour.
  8. I

    What Popmart Regular Song Do You Miss The Most?

    Please would be awesome. I didn't mind the acoustic version, but I didn't think there was anything wrong at all with the full band. I loved the Please into Streets segway.
  9. I

    Best Intro

    Elevation was much more in the swagger category than magical. Just good rockin' I guess the most extreme "magical" openings were MLK:doh: and The Ocean. Most extreme swagger was MOFO.
  10. I

    What Popmart Regular Song Do You Miss The Most?

    I wish Do You Feel Loved was given a fair chance. I thought it was one of the few bright spots from the opening night show.
  11. I

    What Popmart Regular Song Do You Miss The Most?

    They played Disco on Elevation and Vertigo Tours. Thread is about stuff from Pop that hasn't been played since Popmart.
  12. I

    What Vertigo Tour Regular Song Do You Miss The Most?

    Well of course Electric Co. would be high up on every list. I was looking more for HTDAAB songs.
  13. I

    What songs do you predict will be on the NEXT tour?

    Do you think when they go out to the bar, Bullet the Blue Sky is like "hey guys remember me?!" and Streets/WOWY/One/SBS/Pride all just snicker and look down at him in their "Warhorse" varisty jackets?
  14. I

    What songs do you predict will be on the NEXT tour?

    Well obviously the usuals like Streets, WOWY, Pride, BD, SBS, etc. will probably be there.
  15. I

    What songs do you predict will be on the NEXT tour?

    Obviously we don't really know too much about where U2's next direction will be heading, but for the hell of it I was wondering what songs you guys think could pop up on the next tour? I don't really see too much Pop being played unless the band suddenly reverses course in their attitudes about...
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