Recent content by EdgeIsTooSexy

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  1. EdgeIsTooSexy

    Still want the 360 Pedals shirt...

    ^SAME. totally don't mean to take over your thread..which someone did to mine -__- but if anybody has another extra hit me up. I was searching for this at the last few shows I did and they didn't have them.
  2. EdgeIsTooSexy

    Guitar Girls thread

    I did an acoustic version of Lemon....sort of as a spoof.
  3. EdgeIsTooSexy


    PS Don't do Lexapro! My dad was being a jackass and wouldn't send me my shit to school and I went through really bad withdrawal symptoms. I couldn't eat for like four days without throwing it up. Sorry for the details. :cute: Just trying to be informative.
  4. EdgeIsTooSexy


    I'm on Tri-Sprintec too. It can mess you up if you're off and on. Maybe a different brand would be better. I've been on lots of different kinds of medicine for my anxiety and I have it pretty damn bad. Honestly, try homeopathic. It works. Unfortunately, I had to switch to regular shit...
  5. EdgeIsTooSexy

    Picture Request: Bono's handwriting

    Sheet music is really easy to find. And val you could just go back to lous. They're the best in LI but if you decide to do it in the city, let me know! Plenty of places that do great work and you won't have to pay out of the ass for some writing.
  6. EdgeIsTooSexy

    From the Sky Down, Edge screenshot

    That's awesome I just need a full of his body/guitar.
  7. EdgeIsTooSexy

    From the Sky Down, Edge screenshot

    I'm looking for a clear, close screenshot of the cartoon Edge featured in the trailer. I couldn't really get a good one. If anyone can help me out I'd really appreciate it!
  8. EdgeIsTooSexy

    Teen PLEBAn Party: Goodbye Claw. We'll miss you.

    supppp dudes.
  9. EdgeIsTooSexy

    Wanted: 360 pedal shirt

    I don't care if it's been worn already as long as it doesn't look super used or anything. I really want the shirt.
  10. EdgeIsTooSexy

    Wanted: 360 pedal shirt

    The shirts with the single dates I'm sure will pop up. I've seriously been checking every day. I'm just hoping there's leftovers since nothing is on Ebay as well.
  11. EdgeIsTooSexy

    Teen PLEBAn Party: Goodbye Claw. We'll miss you.

    This is the first time i've been in here since...forever.
  12. EdgeIsTooSexy

    Wanted: 360 pedal shirt

    Since I do GA I never have an opportunity to buy merch. I tried at a couple shows and either they didn't have my size or they didn't carry the shirt! I'm seriously desperate to have this shirt. I love it so much. If anybody knows anyone who has an extra U2 360 shirt with Edge's pedals on it...
  13. EdgeIsTooSexy

    Teen Pleban Party: Who is this Adam person and why is he so tan?

    hi! love your avatar, Maddy!
  14. EdgeIsTooSexy

    Wide Awake In Europe -- Fair Trade Listing

    If anybody has an extra copy please PM me. I went to my record store and they were all sold out. I'm obsessed with vinyl and I really wanted to have this :(
  15. EdgeIsTooSexy

    hey guys! need help please!

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