Recent content by Diemen

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  1. Diemen

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    Felonius Trump
  2. Diemen

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    Having served on a jury with relatively low stakes (wrongful termination) where I thought the evidence clearly lead to a certain verdict, and being surprised at how many people on the jury thought it lead to the opposite verdict when we sat for deliberations, I'd be very careful about opining...
  3. Diemen

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    With Trump, accusation is always a form of confession.
  4. Diemen

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    Tell me you're not a serious candidate without telling me you're not a serious candidate.
  5. Diemen

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    That he said that at an event hosted by… *checks notes* the Republic Women of Pitt County is… uh, something.
  6. Diemen

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    if you find yourself getting worked up because of certain tweets, I think it’s helpful to remind yourself that Twitter is not reality. Repeat as often as is necessary.
  7. Diemen

    NBA 2023-24 Thread

    Someone set up us the bomb!
  8. Diemen

    Mobile App Changes

    While the app wasn’t perfect, I really appreciated its simple and uncluttered (ad-free) feel. I’ve got to say I really dislike the mobile forum experience now with all these ads interspersed everywhere. Is Xenforo going to address that at all?
  9. Diemen

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    I’m 6’5” and 245. I’m definitely carrying some extra weight (knee injuries and surgery will do that…) but still look kinda lanky with a slight dad belly. Trump is at least 270.
  10. Diemen

    NBA 2022-23 Thread

  11. Diemen

    Shuttlecock XXV: Cool Hats Club

    I resemble that remark.
  12. Diemen

    Shuttlecock XXV: Cool Hats Club

    It’s literally my favorite part of the job.
  13. Diemen

    Random Music Talk CXXXI: Interference Finally Gets Its Revenge on Cobbler

    Friggin’ Hewson. … Nah, that doesn’t have quite the same ring.
  14. Diemen

    Arcade Fire. Formal wear or costumes only please.

    Come on, dude. That’s totally uncalled for and you know it.
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