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I was one of the fans who got to meet Adam, Edge and to hear the new tunes from the new album at the studio last week. That was my first trip to Dublin. I have been a big u2 fan for many years--but I have become a huge BONO fan for the last 10.

Feb 23, 1971 (Age: 53)
Hull, Massachusetts (south of Boston)
Esthetician (beautician)
Favorite U2 Album
Achtung Baby
Favorite U2 Song
Been a U2 fan since
Prized item in U2 collection
Pics of me and adam and the edge!
Favorite U2 lyrics
If they should ask well maybe they'll tell me why I should say true colors fly in blue and black bruised silken sky and burning flag..colors clash collide in blood shot eyes...if I could, you know I would, if I could, I would let it go...
Favorite U2 band members
Bono is my absolute favorite, then Adam, Edge, Larry
I was introduced to U2 by
an old boyfriend
U2 shows I've seen
pop and elevation
Have you met U2?
Yes, I met Adam and the Edge and Adam is the nicest, easy-going down to earth guy I have ever met. Edge is very nice and sweet, but much more shy and reserved than Adam. I am on a mission to still meet Bono..wish me luck!


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