Recent content by Cute Irish Bono

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  1. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 3 Listening Thread

    Sorry everyone, I haven’t been able to listen and comment on the remaining playlists. I have been slammed at work and have some other personal things to attend to. I hope that’s ok, LuckyNumber7, if I can’t continue to listen and comment for the remaining playlists. Again, some unexpected things...
  2. Cute Irish Bono

    The Verve Fans

    Maybe I should give it another listen then or listen to those songs individually. Forth flowed well but had a similar vibe throughout that I couldn’t distinguish the different songs well. I’ll try to listen to those songs separately then and maybe appreciate them more. ?
  3. Cute Irish Bono

    The Vinyl Thread

    It sounds pretty good. I got an earlier version at a vinyl convention, so it isn’t the latest reissue but it sounds great. ?
  4. Cute Irish Bono

    The Verve Fans

    I will check out those out Dave C. Thanks. They have a song called, “Tina Turner.” This makes me laugh lol but also brings my curiousity up. People may not like Tina Turner but you can’t deny her impact to pop music. I wonder what made them name it that. Lol.
  5. Cute Irish Bono

    The Verve Fans

    Huge Verve fan. :) I love Urban Hymns (every track minus that last long track called, “Come On/Deep Freeze.” It goes on way too long). I wish I wrote “Space and Time” and “One Day.” “Weeping Willow” is highly underrated too. I like a selected few other songs from their other albums but Urban...
  6. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 2 Listening Thread

    Listening to Axver’s playlist now. :) “Dig In” and “Tell Them Where to Go” are beautifully orchestrated songs. I enjoyed the fuzzy guitars and intense vocals but after song 3 it got a little weary for me, just to be honest. I enjoy post-rock in small dosages. It was a refreshing transition when...
  7. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 2 Listening Thread

    I listened to rest of LuckyNumber7’s playlist. I enjoyed the second half a lot more because it was more chill in some ways. That Joy Division and Phosphorescent songs were breathtaking, even though I heard them before, in the context of this playlist, it sounded all fresh to me again. And the...
  8. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 2 Listening Thread

    Glad you enjoyed it phanan. :) I know what you mean when you said that there could be more variety in the sound while listening to it. When I listened to it back I definitely heard a cohesiveness to it but there could have been more variety to it. I should check out a Love and Rockets Greatest...
  9. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 2 Listening Thread

    Hello. I have been busy lately but I am happy that things are slowing down for the rest of this week where I am able to listen to these playlists. :) Starting off with LuckyNumber7’s playlist. The flow has been really well done and it definitely has an upbeat and electronic feel to it. :)...
  10. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 2 Listening Thread

    "Good shit." lol. Amen! :) So glad you enjoyed it GAF. :) I really tried to construct it well with a theme, musically, as well as lyrically. Tenth Avenue North is a great band. I have always enjoyed them probably because, you are right, they sound like Coldplay and U2. And when I listened to...
  11. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 2 Listening Thread

    I am glad you liked my playlist namkcuR. :) I can understand how there is a clear feel of this playlist but there are certainly more poppier songs (songs 5-8), and how it takes on a different path afterwards. I knew I was being bold including a song by the Young the Giant but I still like that...
  12. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 2 Listening Thread

    Glad you enjoyed some of the playlist Iron Yuppie. :) Yes, I can see the U2 influence on the list as you mention it. That wasn't the plan at all but I guess I did it subconsciously. lol. Yes, Slide Away puts you on quite a ride, esp. with that solo. :) Check out Nick Waterhouse's Holly...
  13. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 2 Listening Thread

    Thanks LM for sharing your honest thoughts with me. :) I admit if I created this playlist now I probably wouldn't make as dense and depressing. While I felt lonely and confused when I created this playlist a few moments ago, I don't feel the same way now. But I still enjoy looking at this...
  14. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 1 Listening Thread

    I listened to The Tourist playlist. :) Here are my thoughts: I thought The Cure’s “Push” was a wonderful opener. However, songs 2-5 were just ok to me. Then it’s like the playlist gain momentum and a soothing vibe spread for a while, songs 6-10. This was definitely my favorite part of the...
  15. Cute Irish Bono

    Desert Island Mini - LP Island - Group 1 Listening Thread

    I just listened to GirlsAloudFan playlist and here’s my thoughts. I felt like songs 1-4 the transitions, flow and song choices weren’t my cup of tea. However, the playlist gain momentum with “Vapour Trails.” Kudos for including one of my favorite Blur tracks and “Love Burns” is an excellent...
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