Recent content by cathou_u2

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  1. cathou_u2

    Macros / LOLs Thread . . . Round 2!

    It's lose-lose either way!:wink: They're in a competition for who is the worst!
  2. cathou_u2

    Macros / LOLs Thread . . . Round 2!

    BLESS YOU, BLESS U2!!!!!:happydance: Because Beiber makes me want to crawl under a rock for being Canadian too!:doh: We've got Arcade Fire, Celine Dion as "major" names and then goes Bryan Adams, Rufus Wainwright, Nickelback (no matter what people say, I missed one of their shows 6-7 years ago...
  3. cathou_u2

    Things I Hate Part Eleventy Bazillion and One

    :slant: Bawling your eyes out for a few minutes is ok, because after you lift up your sleeves and you get your head straight. It's the only way, I guess. Schedule, sleep and coffee will be my new motto until the end of December:up: We have to walk on no matter what, or how hard it is Love you...
  4. cathou_u2

    Single Greatest Line Of Any U2 Song

    :D:D:D Great minds think alike!
  5. cathou_u2


  6. cathou_u2

    Things I Hate Part Eleventy Bazillion and One

    Life is pretty much hell right now. I know school is not everything, but with an average so far at uni of 50% I don't have much going so far for me:crack: I've changed from politics to psychology, but I've to take stupid statistics and biology & neurology classes, science and me don't mix...
  7. cathou_u2

    Random Facts and Confessions #8

    Thanks for your kind words everyone, goes straight to my :heart: We're never alone going through loss & heartache and sometimes just knowing this helps a little:hug:
  8. cathou_u2

    Random Facts and Confessions #8

    Lost my grandfather on Thursday:sad: The first person whom I'm truly "aware" of seeing going, because I'm not 13 anymore and it fully hits you when it happens. The kind of person who wouldn't hurt a fly, he'll be missed but not forgotten. By Saturday I've to come up with something that I'll read...
  9. cathou_u2

    Things I Hate Part Eleventy Bazillion and One

    Hypocrites, I mean, get a grip and face up the facts once in a while:huh:
  10. cathou_u2

    Single Greatest Line Of Any U2 Song

    ABSOLUTELY!:applaud: You've put into words Jess what that line means to me and to many others, I'm sure! Indeed, Bono didn't mean "striptease" in the literal sense (unfortunately:lol:) but rather he meant: "My definition of art started with: you put your hands under your skin, you break your...
  11. cathou_u2

    Walk On.....its paid off!!

    "Our audience has suffered me banging on this stuff for a long time":lol: Don't worry Bono, I appreciate this kind of suffering when it's in pursuit of the truth:heart: "Careful optimism" indeed:applaud: I wish her the best!:hug:
  12. cathou_u2

    Ali Thread #11

    *erupts into "awww"ing* :cute::heart::love: These two just melt my :heart:
  13. cathou_u2

    Miscellaneous Picture Mix #39

    Yes, his baby blue eyes almost look green :ohmy: Love this shot!!:love:
  14. cathou_u2

    Pic Request:Looking for larger photo?

    At last!:applaud: Thanks MandU2 for giving us MORE of that amazing shot!:love:
  15. cathou_u2

    Request: U2 Desktop Backgrounds?

    :loveshower::loveshower: So excited with the newest additions, I hardly know where to start, let's do it in order!:lol: Venus, that's AMAZING! :love: I'm so glad I picked these pics they look brilliant with the colours:heart: I adore it!:applaud: The Edge89, I'm quickly uploading this as my...
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