Recent content by Beat Poet

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Beat Poet

    Outside It's America Question

    I mentioned Tucson as it's obviously the band's next known location after Tempe. So yeah, they either stopped by Gila Bend on the way from LA, before Tempe, or they went out that way for photo sessions at some unspecified point etc. As technology has moved on since this thread was last updated...
  2. Beat Poet

    Outside It's America Question

    I went to that location in 1999 and thought it was a great, one of those ridiculously long freight trains went over the crossing as well. Not sure how the band ended up in Gila Bend though, it's not exactly between Tempe and Tucson? Haven't seen the documentary in a while, maybe they were just...
  3. Beat Poet

    Anybody looking for drum tracks?

    Shameless self-promotion, but you've got to do what you've got to do! I record drum tracks for bands and songwriters, specialising in rock, indie and pop/punk. The process is simple – in return for letting me know what type of drum track you’re looking for, I'll give you a FREE demo. If you...
  4. Beat Poet

    Cardiff Millennium Stadium - 22/8/09

    Cheers, guess I'll survey the scene inside the ground. Any idea if it's unreserved or allocated?
  5. Beat Poet

    Cardiff Millennium Stadium - 22/8/09

    Can anyone shed any light on what "Level 1 seats" are? Ticketmaster don't seem to know. The tickets say "pitch standing" but in my Ticketmaster account I've also been allocated a couple of seats in row "GA9". Is this some temporary seating stand for GA or something?
  6. Beat Poet

    General Sale - Friday March 20th - All Discussion HERE

    I think so, I managed to steam in just as it became available.
  7. Beat Poet

    RED (WIRE) - Video clip of a new Christmas U2 song (11/30/08)

    I'd like the MP3 please!
  8. Beat Poet

    MERGED --> Support for Twickenham 2? + Sunday at Twickenham: support acts confirmed

    Oh dear, shoot me now! Why are their chosen support acts so bland?
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