Recent content by arzcrack

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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    Love Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way appreciation thread

    I think you’re onto something here. I have kids, and this song resonates incredibly strongly. I don’t find it cheesy, I find it honest. Plus it’s big, lyrically tremendous and well constructed. Great song, best on the album for me, and for me, where I am in my life currently, could be my...
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    SoE request thread for Thanksgiving

    I’d love an HQ link Thanks
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    SOE 25 - The Freakout

    Tidal no longer refers to u2 releasing anything today/tomorrow like it did before.
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    SOE 25 - The Freakout

    Free trial one month. The blackout is not on. Yet?
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    SOE 25 - The Freakout

    Is it being released to stream tomorrow? According to tidal it is.
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    Songs Of Experience 9 (albums aborted and counting...)

    With what on it? Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
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    Songs of Experience - Part 2

    Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
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    360 Tour Australia Question

    For vertigo, just about everyone I knew went to a show. For 360, hardly anyone I knew went to either show, so I'm not surprised by the figures. Plus, the first 360 show was on a Wednesday, a strange choice, and not particularly enticing. Night 2 felt fuller on the Friday. Hopefully this tour...
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    The Crystal Ballroom - Song Discussion

    Exactly, in a good way! NLOTH sounded like U2, not always in a good way. Sent from my iPad using U2 Interference
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    The Crystal Ballroom - Song Discussion

    The most un-U2 song I've heard them play. Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
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    LP13 - Still Waiting - 1980 days since Bono announced Songs of Ascent

    And yet it's ok that the "in joke" around here is to suggest the new album is called Donkey Punch. I can here the immature giggles whenever someone writes it. Not funny at all.
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    Album 13: Are We Gonna Wait Forever?

    There should be know backing guitar. Ever. Lacks credibility.
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