Recent content by Acrobat Angel

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  1. Acrobat Angel

    Australia Tour Announcement?

    For what it's worth, KOFM in Newcastle (plus a heap of other regional radio stations) are running a competition for 2 people to meet and watch the boys in NYC. The competition is drawn 24 July, so maybe we can expect some sort of announcement around then? Sent from my iPad using U2 Interference
  2. Acrobat Angel

    SOI physical release + tour info

    I'd love to have a listen Many thanks :) Sent from my iPad using U2 Interference
  3. Acrobat Angel

    PLEBA Misc News, Stories and Articles #9

    I looked there and could only find the preview clip, not the full interview...
  4. Acrobat Angel

    PLEBA Misc News, Stories and Articles #9

    :wave: Hi folks, Does anyone have a link to where I can watch the Piers Morgan interview online?
  5. Acrobat Angel

    Rose. Part 9. The end.

    Loved it! Such a great ending to the story. :)
  6. Acrobat Angel

    Mobile App Change Coming Soon-ish

    I've noticed that with the new app that when you view threads in the subforums that it shows the preview of the first post, not the most recent post like the old app used to. Is there a way of changing this? I couldn't see anything in the settings...
  7. Acrobat Angel

    PLEBA Misc News, Stories and Articles #9

    I was watching the stream on the WEF site and it cut out just before Bono answered the last question. Did I miss anything important?
  8. Acrobat Angel

    PLEBA Misc News, Stories and Articles #9

    From what I've read Bono is in Davos for the World Economic Forum this weekend, so I doubt they'll be at the Grammys.
  9. Acrobat Angel

    PLEBA Misc News, Stories and Articles #9

    Lovely video. Sounds like they had a great Christmas. :up: Ali looks stunning too.
  10. Acrobat Angel

    PLEBA Misc News, Stories and Articles #9

    I did spot Jordan and Eve in a couple of the pictures of Bono and Ali watching the races.
  11. Acrobat Angel

    2013 - 2014 Misc New U2 Pics (Holiday Edition)
  12. Acrobat Angel

    2013 - 2014 Misc New U2 Pics (Holiday Edition)

    ^ Looks like the same clothes. I haven't seen anything about them being at JFK or leaving NY, so I think they were just doing a series of interviews somewhere in the city.
  13. Acrobat Angel

    2013 - 2014 Misc New U2 Pics (Holiday Edition)

    Nice find. Katherine is an Aussie entertainment reporter, so hopefully this is a sign that the media machine is starting up.
  14. Acrobat Angel

    Ordinary Love

    Yeah, the guy I spoke to at Red Eye wasn't too optimistic. :(
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