US Politics XVII: Yes, squid pro row

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awwwwww, you're tired, cole?

Too. Damn. Bad. that's your fucking job.

and yes, it matters. It matters a hell of a lot. If he honestly doesn't give a shit, then he can step aside and let somebody who actually does care do the job instead.

I've said it before and i'll say it again. Fuck the gop.

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Greta Thunberg is Time Magazine's person of the year. She was chosen over Pelosi, the Hong Kong protesters, and Trump. Poetic justice

Trump has a longtime obsession with this "award"

Start here: Trump has long had an obsession with Time's person of the year -- dating back long before he was President.

"I knew last year that @TIME Magazine lost all credibility when they didn't include me in their Top 100...," Trump tweeted in October 2012. Three years later, as a candidate for president, Trump reacted this way when Time chose German Prime Minister Angela Merkel as its person of the year: "I told you @TIME Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite They picked person who is ruining Germany."

When Time picked Trump as its person of the year the following year, he took note; "Thank you to Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me "Person of the Year" - a great honor!," he tweeted.

Then, in 2017, Trump tweeted this: "Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named 'Man (Person) of the Year,' like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!" (Side note: That's not how Time picks a person of the year. Not at all.)

And then there's this: Fake 2009 Time covers showing Trump as person of the year were found hanging in at least five of his golf clubs. The covers showed a cross-armed Trump and these words: "Donald Trump: The 'Apprentice' is a television smash!" Good times.

So, Trump cares a lot about who Time picks. (Why? Because the vast majority of his conceptions of success, fame and power were established in the 1980s. Being on the cover of a magazine -- particularly one like Time -- was a sign that you'd made it. And Trump likes visible signs that he's a big deal.)

Which brings us to Thunberg, who rose to fame when she began what she called "climate strikes" in her native Sweden to protest the lack of action by governments around the world to address the threat posed by climate change.

Earlier this fall, she spoke to the United Nations General Assembly, scolding the assembled leaders in blunt terms about their inaction on climate and what it would cost them -- and her.

"People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing," Thunberg told the UN audience. "We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth."

Trump offered this sarcastic review of her speech via Twitter: "She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!" (I wrote at the time how it was beyond the pale -- even for Trump -- to pick on a 16-year-old girl to his 60+ million Twitter followers.)
Where do we go from here ? It really feels like this country is dead.

What gets created next ? A better idea (thanks Bono) or a mob state (seems like this is the answer)
I’m glad that the many liberals/Democrats on this forum have been so supportive of the Constitution during these impeachment hearings, and rightfully so, it’s hugely important business.

I just hope you’re as supportive of the Constitution as these FISA /Trump Surveillance hearings begin. It’s just as important.

Lindsey Graham did have an opening statement that can be found online since CNN decided it wasn’t important enough to carry it
I’m glad that the many liberals/Democrats on this forum have been so supportive of the Constitution during these impeachment hearings, and rightfully so, it’s hugely important business.

I just hope you’re as supportive of the Constitution as these FISA /Trump Surveillance hearings begin. It’s just as important.

Lindsey Graham did have an opening statement that can be found online since CNN decided it wasn’t important enough to carry it

Deal, I’ll tell you what. I will support the protection of the constitution in every situation if it means that Trump is held accountable and removed from office. Do we have a deal?
Oh no. A 24 year old did research projects for an agency. What outrage. I can't believe it. How dare he get a good job out of college. The horror.
Lovely that this good job gave him the money to vacation in Somaliland in the late 2000s. An extremely normal thing to do is to vacation in war-torn country and meet with "local business leaders." Definitely nothing about this that screams CIA at all.
Deal, I’ll tell you what. I will support the protection of the constitution in every situation if it means that Trump is held accountable and removed from office. Do we have a deal?

Oohhhh kkkk?? I mean, you don’t have to make a deal with me, I’m always pro Constitution. It means what it says.

So we will see what happens, but I’m fine with the impeachment process running it’s constitutional course
Oh no. A 24 year old did research projects for an agency. What outrage. I can't believe it. How dare he get a good job out of college. The horror.

it used to be -- like, in the late 90s and early 00s -- that a McKinsey job right out of undergrad was roughly on the same level of prestige as acceptance into, say, Yale Law or Stanford Med or any other normal accolades that accrue to the highest achievers. i had several friends consult for McKinsey for, say, 3-5 years after college before going on to, say, Yale Law or perhaps accepting government jobs and working for high-end think tanks. these were some of the smartest people i knew. i realize McKinsey has made some bad decisions of late, but it's not like this is necessarily indicative of anything other than being an achiever who wants to consult for what everyone knows is traditionally considered the best firm in the world.

but ok.
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I don’t fault Mayor Pete for his taking a job with a Mckinsley. It was prestigious and he also didn’t get to choose his role within. He was assigned.

It’s like saying anyone who went to, graduated, or still chooses to attend Penn State University is an enabler of Jerry Sandusky.

On another note

2020 is going to be real violent.
i don't think Pete is going to make it to the finish line, or even be a VP, unless he wins Iowa. and apparently Biden is back in the lead, so i don't think he will. i'd rather see him go win something statewide in Indiana. an openly gay, blindingly smart, religiously fluent Democrat in the midwest is a valuable asset for the party.

it's feeling to me like we're going to get a replay of sorts of 2016, where Biden is now Hillary and Bernie is still Bernie with his immovable 25% of the electorate. i think MFA has done Warren in, since she tried to explain rather than repeat only louder, and everyone else is angling for VP, which then eliminates Booker and Pete, because if the candidate is male then the VP must be female, imho.
all i see is a bunch of tryhard losers who know that they're deep within the safest of safe spaces around thousands of other braindead turds, so they can mouth off and act tough and pretend to be a badass in front of their friends.

The scariest part is not the threat of violence, for like you said, it’s folks in a safe place being able to mouth off and act tough(they love to pretend they’re all chuck norris on a mission), the scary part is the ‘I don’t care’. We saw the same thing with Stormy Daniels; what used to matter is no longer of concern, what matters is control. Period.
I'm not sure...I think Matt Gaetz might be a Trump son. At the very least he makes Donnie Jr look like a very bad son by comparison.

"Our transformational President"
People like Matt Gaetz think that so long as they do what their voters like, they are in the right.

What they don’t see is that they’re actively encouraging their voters to behave this way. Feedback loop.
The important thing is that Pam Karlan had to apologize to Barron, for saying nothing actually offensive about him.

So when Joe Biden says we need the GOP, no, we really don't. Burn it all down, if they want to start from scratch, so be it, but this incarnation is not worth saving, not even at the cellular level.
He said Greta needs anger management. At least he deserves a gold medal in projection.

Melania Trump is a complete hypocrite. Starting with the fact that she went along with her clown husband's birther theory, without any regard for the Obama daughters. The whole family is a bunch of hypocrites.
...please somebody tell me that's just a joke.


No. It’s not.

And the GOP is a disease to society. They have to be removed from power. They only care about greed and hurting the less fortunate.

Maybe Biden says these things cause it plays well with certain voters but maybe he truly thinks something can be salvaged.

It can’t. How can you govern with people who don’t value truth or facts ?
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