Things I Hate, Spring Edition

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Depression sucks man, but you know what? The cliches are true.. one day, there'll be a moment your brain decides to clear the fog and life starts getting enjoyable again. :hug: It took mine two years to get to that point, but I got there and so will you. :)
Catman you are not the only one. :heart: We've all been at the bottom, hang in there and climb out when the time is right. :hug:

Your words touch me in a sense that I too reflect on life in the same way when I get schlep in the face.
Its hard when you feel that you want something different in life than all the others around you, and that others might even judge you on that. Ask question etc.
Why do we even walk on the surface of the earth and whats the point of it. Life can be very silly! What do we want?

Thing is , I usually see you posting every once in a while here on the forums. Don't forget that you are funny and a good person. I can tell from just the things you post.
Dawwwww thanks guys :hug:

Looking over my post, it sounds like I was fishing for sympathy; that totally wasn't my intention!! hahha

It was nice reading the feedback--it's good to be able to find people you can relate to (not that I'm happy you all suffer from bouts of depression, but you know what I mean ;)). It's a pleasant group of people up in hyah :wave:
I'd saw it is you venting, and me responding... more or less in relation to your story.
:hi5: Venting is good. Let it out, let it out. Don't let it it.
So I'm not the most gregarious person on the planet, but I try *. This guy, though, a fellow patron of Starbucks, sat in the empty chair next to mine and would not stop talking :crack: I even did the whole headphone routine, which is pretty much the universal sign for "don't talk to me." Well he just ignored the fuck outta that social convention.

As he kept yapping away about Istanbul and antisemitism and the various european mobs (yeah i have no idea), I just stopped him mid-sentence and said I needed a cigarette (don't even smoke anymore, but it's a nasty habit and I hoped it would turn him off to me presence).

"Oh hey, that sounds like a good idea. Mind if I join you?"


Me =

I ended up bumming a cigarette off him ("I seemed to've misplaced mine... :shifty:") and we** talked for about half an hour :huh:
When we returned inside, I darted for the register and scribbled "save me" on the back of an old receipt, handing it to the barista (she got a laugh out of it--it was fairly obvious to the staff that this guy had been overstaying his welcome lol).

Thankfully, he left for work shortly after (~10 minutes ago). So yeah, I suppose I hate when I'm trying to be productive and run into that guy.

*honestly, I really do!
**we=we minus me
:lol: that sounds a lot like something that happened to me at starbucks a year ago, one time this woman was sitting on the couch next to me and then just started talking to me for like an hour. and then every time i'd go there, there she was. :crack: i went there like four days a week then but i'd never seen her before.

don't people know that others go to starbucks to relax and chill?
Something I've never understood, why do you guys put up with people like this?

It's a social interaction I do not understand. You do not want their company, yet you somehow seem to accept the burden and then complain about it later, rather than telling them now is not a good time or to leave you alone (depending on if you know them or not). Why is that?
Something I've never understood, why do you guys put up with people like this?

It's a social interaction I do not understand. You do not want their company, yet you somehow seem to accept the burden and then complain about it later, rather than telling them now is not a good time or to leave you alone (depending on if you know them or not). Why is that?

Some people bother you more after telling them to f*ck off. That's my experience.
Some people bother you more after telling them to f*ck off. That's my experience.

:lol: Never had that problem, but you know what I'm like haha. If I don't like someone, I'm not gonna socialise no matter what. So they won't get the attention they want and bugger off. That or a punch in the face so yeaaaa, their choice.
Something I've never understood, why do you guys put up with people like this?

It's a social interaction I do not understand. You do not want their company, yet you somehow seem to accept the burden and then complain about it later, rather than telling them now is not a good time or to leave you alone (depending on if you know them or not). Why is that?

I've had weird people start conversations with me in public, and I'm always afraid that they'll lose it and attack me if I'm not nice to them. There are a lot of mentally unstable people wandering around and I don't want to set them off. I just nod and slowly back away or wait until the get distracted and then disappear around a corner.
Also, I hate car problems that come at the same time that my car insurance is due and my hours at work have been severely reduced. Guess who has (almost) no money!
I've had weird people start conversations with me in public, and I'm always afraid that they'll lose it and attack me if I'm not nice to them. There are a lot of mentally unstable people wandering around and I don't want to set them off. I just nod and slowly back away or wait until the get distracted and then disappear around a corner.

Okay fair point there!
It was worth it. Stifling sneezes > insane pain coming from the inside! Luckily the stitches all came out and my jaw seems sorta healed. Sneezing still hurts a wee bit but not as much as the pure horror it was right after surgery.

Time for a lot of stupid stuff now I've officially lost my wisdom! :dance:
Wait, so what was the impetus for these stitches??

Glad they're out, though :hug:

Right now I'm eating these jalapeno Cheetos while I type--I love the taste, but I haaate the sticky residue they leave on your fingertips :angry:
Wisdom tooth removed. I realise I got very lucky as after a week I'm pretty much fully repaired, while Domo had the horror story of a month wiith pain and stitches. Final stitch for me came out wednesday, it's still soft flesh but no pain, I've had my first sneeze without pain today. :D

Man I hate that too! :lol: It's the reason I never eat crisps near my laptop, especially cheetos are horrible indeed!
Ooooh you had your wisdom teeth removed?? Okay, this gonna sound like I'm just messin' around, but srsly... having my wisdom teeth removed was one of the most pleasurable experiences of my life lol.

I had them removed, like, ~12 years ago, I was in the latter half of my teens, still living at home. The operation, itself, wasn't bad at all--really, all I remember is the dental assistant telling me to count back from 10.

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... "
And I was out. The only other thing I remember is stumbling towards the backseat of my mom's car after the operation. But the days that followed were glorious! I was all hopped up on painkillers, watching whatever movies I wanted to watch, sprawled out on the nice, comfy couch, and eating nothing but my favorite foods (soup (no, really--I love soup) and ice cream); it was like a mini-vacation!

I remember my sister having hers removed, but she didn't seem to be as lucky as I was (I have this image burned into my brain of blood pouring out of her mouth... ack!), so perhaps my experience is the minority.

Maybe this post should've been in the "Love" thread lol. But still, I am sorry that your experiences have not been so pleasant. Hope things get better soon! :hug:
:lol: You're nuts, haha.

My experience wasn't bad, I didn't get full anaesthetics tho, just a local shot resulting in a huge swollen jaw and numb tongue. :wink: And I only took painkillers for that day, so it wasn't that spectacular sadly. Didn't have that much pain after that day, only when sneezing and coughing and stuff. :wink:
People just love approaching me in coffee shops, but I've learned a valuable lesson today: if you have some place to be within the hour, and somebody comes up to you and asks if you've accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, then just say, "yes."

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I hate iced, hazelnut coffee. For whatever reason, I get a little depressed after drinking it lol. If sadness had a flavor, this would be it :thumbdown:

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