PGP: U2, get yer well seasoned asses to the studio, enough with the holidays!

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This was the view off my porch when I woke up this morning (I live in a 2nd-floor apartment)


Ta, I'm really looking forward to having a holiday and just relaxing... can't remember the last time I did that!

Re: the band, I've been pretending to play bass for over 10 years now, although most of that time was me procrastinating about practising. I joined this band in Feb this year, and I've played and learned more this year than in the preceding 10.
wow that's so greeeaaaattt! W00T !!!
I'm proud of you for following some of your bliss !!! :hug:

I'm trying to get the ambition to run again. I did run on the beach in Mexico. Since then - zip.

Hello everyone! :wave:

:wave: hey, grace, nice to see you!


Pretend you're chasing after Bono!

good luck on getting you racing mood back.:hug:
:( :hug:
We are expecting a tropical storm here. A tropical storm at the end of October. Granted, it might be sub-tropical when it gets to us. Still, how odd is that?

uh.... grace ...what they are saying down here (from you) that the remanents of Huricane ?Danny (tropical storm) could be taken into a Cold Front and it turn into a gigundo Snow storm!!!! :gah: :gah: It would be only 3 days before last's years FREAK Snowstorm in Oct for the NYC area!!! :sad:
phew *wipes brow*-- it's gonna still be a failry terrible big storm but it now looks like no snow!

Trusts this weatherman- he was on through most of last years ?hurracaine Irene in early sept. He said right they have 90% computers model agreement.

ah just saw the tv news with a different weatherman,

Yes there could be snow but not here.

More likely back in western Penn, western Maryland and northern West Virginia Good Luck people! :yikes:

and the snow prediction was from a different weatherperson, different station.
If you guys don't want the snow, I'll take it! It's late October, so it wouldn't exactly be unusual for us to get snow now.

It is cold here today, though, and feels like it could snow. Which is funny, given we got some pretty good thunderstorms last night (it'd been all muggy and foggy and warm the last couple days).

I've heard about that hurricane and what it might mean for the East Coast. Whatever happens, hopefully it's not TOO bad for you guys. Batten down the hatches, as they say.

Yay for five days off! :up:

My work's been crazy too, lots of staff changes and system testing which makes all the usual work pile up, blah. But it's getting a bit better... and I don't envy you working in retail at this end of the year! :hug:

Enjoy your time off work. :)

Thanks :hug:. Good to hear things are getting a bit better where you work, too, hopefully all that craziness will die down (you sound like you're going through the same things my workplace has been! System testing...yeah, if our computers go offline one more time at work I swear to all that is good and holy I will hurl the computers through the store).

GG, have a good evening. *Starts looking around for a "drunk posts" translation dictionary :p*
This was the view off my porch when I woke up this morning (I live in a 2nd-floor apartment)



:crack: what a freaking nightmare!!!! I love Minnesota so much but I'm always so damn mad when it snows! I have friends who are dying for a good snowfall and I'm already counting the days til spring. :grumpy: We actually had our first snowfall today but it lasted about 30 seconds and melted as soon as it hit the ground. :barf:
:crack: what a freaking nightmare!!!! I love Minnesota so much but I'm always so damn mad when it snows! I have friends who are dying for a good snowfall and I'm already counting the days til spring. :grumpy: We actually had our first snowfall today but it lasted about 30 seconds and melted as soon as it hit the ground. :barf:

This afternoon it snowed even more. While I do enjoy watching it snow, I dislike being out in the snow.

Also, my mom informed me that next week it's supposed to be in the 60's. :love:

This is the most amazing thing ever. :love::love::love::love:

Stephen is awesome :love:

(i tried to quote the vid itself, but broke the thread again :reject: )
Eddie Izzard is popping up on Craig's show right now, too. He did a great opening bit with Craig and now he's helping him with the e-mails :D.

Agreed, Grace, on the Stephen thing. I loved his bit about wanting something in Trump's mouth instead of Trump letting anything come out of it (he said something along that line). He also made me really happy tonight during his interview with Indiana governor Mitch Daniels-he asked him point blank about his thougths on the recent quote from Mourdock about how a pregnancy as a result of rape was intended by God (and ohhhhhhh, did Daniels dodge the hell out of answering that question. He, like Mourdock, is a Republican, though, so no surprise there :rolleyes:).

Have I mentioned before that I would like to marry Stephen Colbert? Because I would :yes:.
Eddie Izzard is popping up on Craig's show right now, too. He did a great opening bit with Craig and now he's helping him with the e-mails :D.

I still have at least 10 minutes before Craig starts. :angry::sad:

Agreed, Grace, on the Stephen thing. I loved his bit about wanting something in Trump's mouth instead of Trump letting anything come out of it (he said something along that line). He also made me really happy tonight during his interview with Indiana governor Mitch Daniels-he asked him point blank about his thougths on the recent quote from Mourdock about how a pregnancy as a result of rape was intended by God (and ohhhhhhh, did Daniels dodge the hell out of answering that question. He, like Mourdock, is a Republican, though, so no surprise there :rolleyes:).

Have I mentioned before that I would like to marry Stephen Colbert? Because I would :yes:.

:shudder: Mitch Daniels? I used to live in the state run by that man.... :crack::shudder:

Stephen :love:
Damned waiting :p. He's entertaining on there, though, so you'll like it.

Yeah, I've heard a bit about Daniels here and there, and seeing him in the interview tonight did not do a hell of a lot to endear me to him.

Best part of that interview-after Stephen asks him about Mourdock's comments, Daniels starts talking about how he's got some thing going with Purdue coming up soon and so he's trying to not comment one way or another.

He says: "I'm not trying to duck the question..."
Stephen says: "You're not trying to, but you are."
In line at the Covelli Center in Youngstown, OH. Waiting for tickets to see Pres. Obama and former Pres. Clinton speak here at a joint rally on Monday! Mr. CK and I have both kids with us, and it is bringing back LOTS of great U2 memories. I've been sharing pics on my FB so feel free to check them out!!!

Edit: donuts just arrived. One of the ladies in line had her son bring a few dozen from Dunkin Donuts! Now it really is like U2! LOL
Damned waiting :p. He's entertaining on there, though, so you'll like it.
Dave ran longer than it said on the cable guide; turned out to be 15 minutes :angry: :lol:

It was hilarious! Eddie is just adorable. And I loved his nail polish... how come my nails never look that good or even that cool when I do that?

Yeah, I've heard a bit about Daniels here and there, and seeing him in the interview tonight did not do a hell of a lot to endear me to him.

Best part of that interview-after Stephen asks him about Mourdock's comments, Daniels starts talking about how he's got some thing going with Purdue coming up soon and so he's trying to not comment one way or another.

He says: "I'm not trying to duck the question..."
Stephen says: "You're not trying to, but you are."
Yea, that's Mitch. A douche, but from what I remember, he was the lesser of two evils during the last election. :crack:
In line at the Covelli Center in Youngstown, OH. Waiting for tickets to see Pres. Obama and former Pres. Clinton speak here at a joint rally on Monday! Mr. CK and I have both kids with us, and it is bringing back LOTS of great U2 memories. I've been sharing pics on my FB so feel free to check them out!!!

Edit: donuts just arrived. One of the ladies in line had her son bring a few dozen from Dunkin Donuts! Now it really is like U2! LOL

Now the news crews are rolling in to get footage for the noon news.

Hi CK!

Ooooo, exciting things! last time I bought donuts, everybody else ate them all, including mine. I didn't get any. :sad:
Cool CK :wave:

Tara I think we've all felt the pain of not getting the donut we wanted. :sad:


I swear I think next time I'm going to make little toothpick flags with names on them to stake our donut claims. :drool:
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