PGP: Off with the yellow pants, Bono! (On with the leather...)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Ooh thanks! Good to know it was at least liked. :D I was wondering if anyone had gone recently because supposedly the quality has gone down so I'm a teeny bit worried, but I suppose you get what you paid for... which is why I'm worried. :lol:

Up until recently it had the Hilton name on it, it was the Flamingo Hilton. But Hilton stripped it of the Hilton name now because they weren't up to their standards I guess... so it's just The Flamingo again. So.... yeah hopefully it will be okay! It's nice and centrally located on the strip so that's a plus. :up:

I stayed at the hotel when it was under Hilton and thought it was really nice. This was probably in 2006 though so not a recent trip. We only stayed there because my friend was able to get a Hilton discount through work. We didn't do much else in the Flamingo in terms of entertainment or dining but I did like the location way better than staying at some of the other hotels I've been to out there.
:cute: My kids love it there. One of them is still just 20 so we're counting the days she can get into the bars with us. :lol: (My oldest daughter is 23)

Next week is actually my 25th wedding anniversary so the husband was invited on this trip but he passed. He's just not a Vegas guy. (Doesn't drink or gamble so he gets bored there. :lol: ) He wants to plan to go somewhere else maybe later in the year, but he doesn't know where yet. It will probably have to be another budget trip though!

:reject: Vegas actually kinda bores me too and I do drink and gamble! I can only take the place in very small doses. :crack:

Are you getting your annual cake? If so, don't forget to post a picture :flirt:

I am completely, totally mesmerized by this photo. :ohmy:

WTF? :crack:
this is so typical of my life...I can be the biggest accident prone person. I was chasing my naughty cat around this afternoon trying to get him to settle down and I stubbed my toe on the couch hard enough that I thought I broke it. I was limping around all afternoon but it's fine now and I pretty much forgot about it until about an hour ago when I totally topped that injury. I was walking out of my bedroom/bathroom area, which has a tiny little hallway sectioning it off from the rest of the downstairs, and I was probably touching my hair or face so my arm was bent. I hit my elbow so freaking hard on the corner of the hallway that I literally fell flat on my back like I slipped on a sheet of ice (something I do every winter! :der: ). I was laughing so hard from the pain and shock of falling that I couldn't stand up. I wasn't sure until I was able to stand up again if I did any damage to my elbow since my entire arm was throbbing. It's not bruises yet but I do have a minor cut and a gigantic lump that seems to be growing as time goes by. I have it on ice and I took an advil, which will burn a hole in my stomach later. It hurts so damn bad. I have a huge, huge morning tomorrow at work so I hope I don't have any issues but then again I've had a sprained wrist and a sprained finger since I became a chef and have been able to somehow successfully complete my work without anyone (as in clients) realizing I was only working with one hand. My hand was starting to feel numb a while ago but I think it was from the ice. I'm currently typing with both hands so I think I'm good and don't think I did any major damage, despite the growing lump. Gonna keep it iced all's still throbbing pretty good. :der:
What is that photo from? Whatever, let's go back in time and cut his hair and dress him properly. Fashion was asleep at the wheel on that one. Ali must have been far, far away.
What is that photo from? Whatever, let's go back in time and cut his hair and dress him properly. Fashion was asleep at the wheel on that one. Ali must have been far, far away.

I don't remember the actual event but I remember when it was new and everyone loved the smoke but argued about his hair :) Not much has changed :sexywink:
What a day. :crack:

Had to work at a car show for a few hours today. It was crazy hot outside, there was lots of exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke, and I ended up hurling in a porta-potty. :happy: That was lovely. Came home and finished cleaning and now I'm relaxing on the couch until my mom arrives. We're gonna have a bottle of wine and some sushi for dinner tonight. Tomorrow's the big food & wine festival. Oh yeah, and I got my period. So I'm feeling a bit gross tonight. Hopefully I'll be back to normal for tomorrow. :lol:
I stayed at the hotel when it was under Hilton and thought it was really nice. This was probably in 2006 though so not a recent trip. We only stayed there because my friend was able to get a Hilton discount through work. We didn't do much else in the Flamingo in terms of entertainment or dining but I did like the location way better than staying at some of the other hotels I've been to out there.

Thanks, I hope it's still good!

:reject: Vegas actually kinda bores me too and I do drink and gamble! I can only take the place in very small doses. :crack:

Are you getting your annual cake? If so, don't forget to post a picture :flirt:

Definitely!! :drool:

Happy 25th Anniversary to Comet and Mr Comet!


Thanks!! :D

this is so typical of my life...I can be the biggest accident prone person. I was chasing my naughty cat around this afternoon trying to get him to settle down and I stubbed my toe on the couch hard enough that I thought I broke it. I was limping around all afternoon but it's fine now and I pretty much forgot about it until about an hour ago when I totally topped that injury. I was walking out of my bedroom/bathroom area, which has a tiny little hallway sectioning it off from the rest of the downstairs, and I was probably touching my hair or face so my arm was bent. I hit my elbow so freaking hard on the corner of the hallway that I literally fell flat on my back like I slipped on a sheet of ice (something I do every winter! :der: ). I was laughing so hard from the pain and shock of falling that I couldn't stand up. I wasn't sure until I was able to stand up again if I did any damage to my elbow since my entire arm was throbbing. It's not bruises yet but I do have a minor cut and a gigantic lump that seems to be growing as time goes by. I have it on ice and I took an advil, which will burn a hole in my stomach later. It hurts so damn bad. I have a huge, huge morning tomorrow at work so I hope I don't have any issues but then again I've had a sprained wrist and a sprained finger since I became a chef and have been able to somehow successfully complete my work without anyone (as in clients) realizing I was only working with one hand. My hand was starting to feel numb a while ago but I think it was from the ice. I'm currently typing with both hands so I think I'm good and don't think I did any major damage, despite the growing lump. Gonna keep it iced all's still throbbing pretty good. :der:

OMG :therethere:

and a little :giggle:


What is that photo from? Whatever, let's go back in time and cut his hair and dress him properly. Fashion was asleep at the wheel on that one. Ali must have been far, far away.

All the pics are from the NRJ Awards in Cannes on 1-22-2005, :wave:
What a day. :crack:

Had to work at a car show for a few hours today. It was crazy hot outside, there was lots of exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke, and I ended up hurling in a porta-potty. :happy: That was lovely. Came home and finished cleaning and now I'm relaxing on the couch until my mom arrives. We're gonna have a bottle of wine and some sushi for dinner tonight. Tomorrow's the big food & wine festival. Oh yeah, and I got my period. So I'm feeling a bit gross tonight. Hopefully I'll be back to normal for tomorrow. :lol:

OMG you need one of these too today! :therethere:

And the wine of course! :lol:
What a day. :crack:

Had to work at a car show for a few hours today. It was crazy hot outside, there was lots of exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke, and I ended up hurling in a porta-potty. :happy: That was lovely. Came home and finished cleaning and now I'm relaxing on the couch until my mom arrives. We're gonna have a bottle of wine and some sushi for dinner tonight. Tomorrow's the big food & wine festival. Oh yeah, and I got my period. So I'm feeling a bit gross tonight. Hopefully I'll be back to normal for tomorrow. :lol:

Wow....I think you deserve that bottle of wine big time just over the fact that you had to enter a porta potty for any reason. I think puking in a porta potty is probably my biggest nightmare. :yuck: It's bad enough having to use one to pee.
OMG :therethere:

and a little :giggle:


oh trust me....I'm still laughing myself. My mom told my sister over the phone and she just texted me and said "you are a nerd." I'm guessing that meant because this is something typically something I do and then laugh hysterically over it for hours. At least I can laugh at myself.
I'll bet those rooms are out of my price range. :wink: Sound great though! Do they have fountain show views?

Congratulations on 25 years, comet--that is wonderful!

Yes, they do have fountain show views. I was lucky enough to stay there a few years ago when my niece Jenn (who is a conference coordinator for the Swan and Dolphin hotels at Disney World) got rooms there at a reduced rate through her connections in "the hospitality industry", the only reason I ever got to stay there. Jenn and I decided we'd leave the big curtains open, with just the sheers closed (we were on the like the 19th floor), while we slept. But the lights were so bright we had to close the curtains. :lol:

I have also stayed at Excalibur, which is not as price-y and pretty nice--at least it was when MrPurrl and I stayed there are few years ago. We also stayed at one of the older hotels, The Gold Coast, about a mile west of the Strip, next to Rio (home of a really amazing seafood buffet). There was a shuttle to the strip like every 20 minutes, so that was good for us, too.
Theres a tornado in NY :ohmy:

i was nowhere that one JJ....BUT

in nyc/ close tri-state area NYC/New Jersey/Conneticut....

we never used to have the amout of (thank goodness "just" low grade ? F-0, f-1) tornadoes we have had in the last ?4 years realitivelly....

we'd get one every 10 years or more? Now we've had 2-3+ a year!

one in riverdale(north) Bronx that went into conneticut....

my sis saw the video..

it went buy our dad's window in the nursung home! :yikes:
(he's gone now) Same place i was at for my rehab.
:wave: comet>>>>>

i'll be at my first book store (a B&N) tomorrow for the first time since my accident!:hyper::hyper::drool::love: :lol:

i'll go looking for the Dark Tower series and let ypu know! :D

take care everyone! see you tomolrrow night go well!:wave::wave:

:lol: hi JJ i'm taking my leave but there's a question i asked you youbout the waxwings.....

i'll get your answer tomorrow! :D
So I admitted to feeling meh about Muse. I finally heard the new song Madness. And maybe it's because I was not hardcore, but I really like it. So there.

Muse - Madness - YouTube

I'm not hardcore either (mostly a fan of The Resistance and thats about it), but I LIKE THIS. I LIKE THIS SO MUCH. :up:

Also, on the subject of books...I finally read the Hunger Games series (meh. still an HP girl at heart :reject: )

I'm currently re-reading HP for this mass re-read going on in an LJ comm, and also s-l-o-w-l-y reading Our Endangered Values by former Pres. Jimmy Carter. I bought it at a library book sale so I figure if I dont like it, I can donate it lol.

And speaking of library booksales, the library closest to me is having their annual one this weekend and Monday is $2/bag day. I'm hoping to score a ton of bargains lol.
What a day. :crack:

Had to work at a car show for a few hours today. It was crazy hot outside, there was lots of exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke, and I ended up hurling in a porta-potty. :happy: That was lovely. Came home and finished cleaning and now I'm relaxing on the couch until my mom arrives. We're gonna have a bottle of wine and some sushi for dinner tonight. Tomorrow's the big food & wine festival. Oh yeah, and I got my period. So I'm feeling a bit gross tonight. Hopefully I'll be back to normal for tomorrow. :lol:

That's so gross. I hope you had a good evening with mom. Food and wine fest sounds exactly like what you need today.

I started my period too - I gotta stop hanging out in here - we're all on the same cycle :lol:

Looks like an editor from NME has discovered the dark underworld of U2 slash ff.


Another 3 hours of grading and then a crap-ton of other school work (lesson planning, fundraising, etc) to do today. Then this week is show week and call backs for the musical. No rest for the wicked.
I started my period too - I gotta stop hanging out in here - we're all on the same cycle :lol:

I just finished mine earlier in the week. AND I HAVENT EVEN BEEN HERE ALL THAT MUCH! :lol:

Looks like an editor from NME has discovered the dark underworld of U2 slash ff.

OH GOD SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN! :panic::panic::panic::panic:

*gonna hide in my bunk with Adam* :shh:
I just got my period too. We do all hang around here a lot.

The humidity broke and it might be the last time we get that summer heat around here. I'm sad in a way, because it means summer is over and allergy season has me in its vice grip.

Apple picking next weekend. :hyper:
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