PGP: Hello (Hello) *Disclaimer: That is an echo, not a Vertigo reference*

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:crack: The rejoice I had after Miep got antibiotics have waned, as much as their effect has. She's back to being deaf as can be, and lethargic. Trying to talk mom into doing blood tests at the vet(My cat's on her name), but she's worried for the expenses. Ugh, if I wasn't having monetary issues myself I'd pay for whatever needed right away. It's so clear she has some deep ear infection, since the antibiotics treated it, but it came back. Which usually happens when an antibiotics round isn't long enough or not finished. So they'll need to make her sleep to inspect the ear, as she was struggling too much last time. And her paw infection(for which she got the antibiotics in the first place) is back too.
:crack: Why couldn't this have happened last year, when I had plenty of money and no bitch work issues?


Soo.... have you guys seen the promo shot for the new Tom Cruise movie? :uhoh:


I hadn't seen the previews yet, so thanks! :)
Soo.... have you guys seen the promo shot for the new Tom Cruise movie? :uhoh:


It's not his movie :angry: Jaxx is not the male lead, and the thought of Tom Cruise trying to "sing" :doh::doh: As soon as I heard he got the role I knew I couldn't watch it, and I'd loved the musical here in TO :sad: (They should've just filmed the Toronto cast - they were amazing!) $10 says they edit the bit at the end when we see what happens to everybody, given what happens to Cruise's character :wink:
From watching the official trailer, it also looks like they've made his part bigger :madwife: *grumblemutterarrogantsonofabitch*

OTOH - Russell Brand as the sound guy? Could be absolutely f'ing brilliant ;)
Tara, I saw Bryan Adams tonight and he was incredible. I'm left speechless actually....

I thought of you! :hug:
Tara, I saw Bryan Adams tonight and he was incredible. I'm left speechless actually....

I thought of you! :hug:

:hyper::love::hyper: I would absolutely explode from happiness to see him live.

Was it a full band show, or is he still doing the "bare bones" thing?

My mom is home now. Which is a long, angry story that ends with us complaining to TriCare (the military insurance company).

Had a long day; didn't sleep much last night (I spent the night in the hospital with my mom).

G'night all. Love you.

MacAmy: I'm glad you had fun at the Bryan Adams concert. I am extremely jealous of you now. :D:wink:
:hug: Tara. Glad your mom's home, sorry about the angry, ranty stuff.

Amy, glad you had a good time at the show :)! And Thora, have a safe, fun trip :wave:!

I think it was a reaction to North Carolina being boneheads and Rick Santorum's statements on Leno last night which proves he is KING BONEHEAD.

Santorum can go fuck himself. He's a psycho nutjob. And North Carolina...that state makes me sad :(. So very sad. I hope those who supported the ban get roundly mocked for their vote.

Go, Obama, for showing support for gay marriage :up:.
Before I start anything...I'm going to break down all the responses in numerical order. I know it might get a bit confusing...but it's the only way I can keep track of everything (at the least)

:hug: I always like knowing what I want before I go to a restaurant. The gift shop is awesome.

Oh, and when they seat you, they will ask a question about the movie. I got the one they asked us right (it was "Which 2 presidents did Forrest meet?), but then after we got home, I realized that he met 3, not 2 :doh:

I wanted to go to that show so bad. It would've been awesome.

:hug: It was scary. Everyone's ok (thank goodness), but I'm fairly certain the dude will be in a lot of trouble with the complex managers. He was messing around in the parking lot (driving around and around and around really fast). Also, he's drunk, and his kid was in the car with him. :tsk:

1. I bet...but sometimes they don't have the menu on the website (if the resturant has a website at all) and if they do...they sometimes don't have the prices

2. That's pretty cool....but I forgot half of the details about that movie :giggle:. But then again, I'm the only one in my family that actually LIKED the movie.

3. was pretty awesome...but the reason why I haven't been on this forum that much in the past few years is that everyone prefered the second Chicago show than the show I went to. They basically said that the first show sounded the same as some of the first European leg. I know it's a really stupid and selfish reason....but I happend to enjoy all the concerts that I ever went to and I really don't care what they play as long as they play something.

4. WHAT?!?!? :angry: I'm about ready to smack his freaking ass for doing that to his kid! I feel bad for the poor have a father doing something so stupid as drive drunk with him in the back seat. But I'm glad everyone is doing fine.

Ahhhhhhh, you and I would get on well :D! That scenario has happened to my family more times than I care to count, and with appropriate settings and aid to boot! That very trip I alluded to earlier, we were driving through Ohio on our eastward trek, and all of a sudden our car started smoking and the engine caught on fire. So we pulled off to the side of the road...

...which happened to be right in downtown Toledo. And someone else on the road apparently had seen our car smoking and had already called the fire department and police, who were there within minutes to help us (they were just down the street, as was a motel for us to hang out at until we figured out what to do next). Talk about a lucky coincidence. We've been very fortunate to have the kindness of strangers on more than one occasion.

(It was really funny, too, because we were attempting a move at that time-long story, just like yours would be-and we didn't have a U-Haul, we had a whole mess of our stuff crammed into our tiny car. You know those clown cars where things just keep tumbling out of a seemingly neverending pit? That was us that day. With people looking on curiously :lol:.)

On another note, I'm sorry about the passing of your grandmother. And I'm glad you got a chance to get to your destination after all.

Good move. Highly recommend that. Not saying you can't walk anywhere, a block or two won't hurt, but yes, if you can find other means of travel, it's the wise way to go for sure.

Only downside to the cabs and buses is that you'll likely find yourself in traffic jams. But eh. Happens to everyone.

It is, yeah. One of them talked about how drastic the change is, in Chicago they were able to go to all sorts of stores and find all sorts of cool things or things they liked (he's into kosher meats as an example), and now he and his wife are living in my town, which is around 30,000 people, and he has a much harder time finding the sort of variety of things he could back in Chicago. Even nearby cities don't always have what he's looking for. What a case for Iowa, huh :p?

I'm so glad you and the rest of the residents are all right :hug:. Same with you, U2MaNaIcWeIdO-I feel sorry for the couple whose place was damaged, but yeah, as long as everyone inside is all right, that's all that matters.

1. I'm amazed that you have worthwhile family trips at all with the amount of car troubles you have! But I'm glad that kind strangers were able to help you that's a good thing

2. I wouldn't know about long moves.....I have only moved across the street. But it's funny that you were to refer to your car as a clown car with the amount of stuff you crammed into it!

3. I'm ok with's been over 12 years....and I don't really remember her (despite the numerous pics of the both of us together when I was little). I know she is in a better place along with my grandfather, my maternal grandparents and my mom. But at least I had a good time in Manistee the times I was there.

4. I know....there are places I want to go to that I want to go by foot....but I grew up learning to trust public transportations (My grandpa used to work for the CTA and the knowlege has been passed from him to my mom down to me.), Trust me....I live near Chicago....of course I'm going to expect traffic jams! It isn't a major city without them! :wink:

5. I feel kinda bad...but that's the problem (sorta). Iowa is know for being more of a farming state than Illinois is! But then again, never been to Iowa nor do I know if their major cities are like Chicago (with the variety of stuff).

6. Yea...everything turned out alright...although there are now two different colors of bricks on the side of the buliding :giggle:
Okay, I have no clue what has happened the last few pages, but OMFG. Pres. Obama is in support of same-sex marriage! AWESOME AWESOME NEWS.
:cheer: :loveshower: :cheer:

I think it was a reaction to North Carolina being boneheads and Rick Santorum's statements on Leno last night which proves he is KING BONEHEAD.

I'm glad for his statement :up:

That's the problem Grace.....there are always going to be people who doesn't like change (because they seem too weird for their tastes) :shrug:

I don't care if people who like the same sex get married or not.....that's their choice...but I want there to be more focus on gay & lesbians having the right to adopt kids.

I apologize if my comments seem offensive :reject:
Okay, I have no clue what has happened the last few pages, but OMFG. Pres. Obama is in support of same-sex marriage! AWESOME AWESOME NEWS.
:cheer: :loveshower: :cheer:

I think it was a reaction to North Carolina being boneheads and Rick Santorum's statements on Leno last night which proves he is KING BONEHEAD.

Either way, it made the news here. :up: It's about time! Hope that he won't get a huge backlash from narrow minded fucktards though.
Galeongirl said:
Either way, it made the news here. :up: It's about time! Hope that he won't get a huge backlash from narrow minded fucktards though.

I want Obama to be Andrew Sheppard in American President. Or even like Martin Sheen in West Wing. The one issue I have is that I don't think he was ready to be President. I wanted Hillary. She would have kicked ass.
Hillary certainly had more experience, but perhaps it would've been too shocking for the narrow minded fucktards to have a woman for president. :wink: After all, some are convinced that the women's only place is behind the kitchen counter.
To bad, she would have been better and I think people know that. Just because you have great ideas and can deliver an amazing speech, does not make you a president. This is the most presidently (I know it's not a real word) thing he's done. Yes, Rick Santorum is batshit crazy and fundamentally against everything I stand for, but he does not back down from his back-wood ideals. What scares me most about him was how far he got. That dude should have been discounted as soon as he opened his mouth.
True, he hasn't spoken out on much. Though I do think he's done quite a few good things. The whole war on terror bullshit story finally gaining some face by getting Bin Laden, the breaking of Don't Ask Don't Tell, he's done something good at least.
Yeah it's disturbing that there's people supporting batshit insane dweebs like that. Look at Sarah Palin. Everyone with a brain can see she's got so many ridiculous quotes and bullshit around her, that she'd never should be in charge of anything! Yet look at her amount of followers..

Baffling, really.
Oh awesome! I wanted to see him last time he was in town but I couldn't swing it. Hopefully someday!

You would be impressed. He can still bring the house down. The hubby and I both enjoyed it!

:hyper::love::hyper: I would absolutely explode from happiness to see him live.

Was it a full band show, or is he still doing the "bare bones" thing?

It was full band, and he played for 2.5 hours. Incredible! :heart:
What ? Everyone wentaway?!!? : (

the computer dosn't seem to want to let me multi-quote right ... do my best

CK,Grace, cori....

firstly> wow that was exciting & historical to have Prs Obama make that personal statement yesterday!

what I heard from MSNBC's liberal/progressive talkers and their guests was..... Pres Obama had been heading in this direction as per his comments on the subject coming up around the diner table with his family.
The thing that pushed it sooner was VP Biden's comments over the weekend.... on a?Sunday talk Show? not sure- saw the clip once....

ha... everything is seen as political in an Pres Election year, whether it is or not. On The Ed Show (radio) a few people commented that while it would energize those opposed to gay marraige and anti-gay in gereral it would ALSO energize younger people (18- 30's +) who believe (60% to 30%) more than those 55 + ( i guess I'm in the minority for my age group!) that gay people should have the right to marry..... and that is something that will engergize them.

as for Hillary vs Barack.... again being someone often steeped in poltics since the mid/late-60's I saw postives AND negatives in both of them. I did think it was terrible as a progressive and feminist that it ended up being a woman and a black man running against each other!!!
EiITHER would have been SOOO Historical for our country!

Sometimes Pres Obama hasn't been progressive enough for me AND I am very happy with some of the things he's done.

AT least with the beginning of the Health Care Bill-- many more people would be covered because the elimanation of the Pre-existing Conditions "Barrier" set up by most :fist: Health Insurance Companies. My dear sister if her company had not gotten such a good health care coverage would have probably ended up being one of those people....

There is also keeping your young adult children on your plan ( if you have one) until they are ? 25 - 26?. YA adults persuing college these days have enought $$$ burdens, this at least helps elimate one! Plus the "doughnut Hole" for Seniors and ?? Younger Diabled will be shrinking down to 0 over a few years!

Talk to any family/peron under any of these catagories and you'll know how much their lives have been altered for the better!

Going after and getting Bin laden ...well, yeah. I wasn't all jumping around like some of the people whoi icwere being a bit too jingoist for my belief system.... I did have a grim sense of real satisfaction. (anyone who doesn't know - from 9/80 - end of 8/81 I worked IN The South Tower- 73rd floor (2 elevators up :uhoh: / ? about 3 floors higher it would have been 3 :ohmy: LOL ) big NE Corner office. The view was incredible!!! And That office - long vacated by the Agncy I was with -- was probably aorund or just below/above were the 2nd plane exited.

I know there are a few other major things he's done I've been quite happy with...but really too tired to think of ( it was a difficult morning, but things ok now).....

omg there are still too many men and a bunch of women herein the USA that have such restrictive views on women...:mad::sad:

let me tell you -- even when pres Clintion was Pres there was squawking ALL OVER RIGHT WING Radio :yuck: (not that much TV at that time) about Bill "feminizing" the Presidency; him being concerned with issues of Education, help for Women and Children , Health Care!!!

People were calling up saying how the Right To Vote for Women should Be REVOKED!!!! THIS almost at the end of the Twentieth Century and we have people like that!!!!!! :gah: :gah:

In fact some Right Wing Christian (no offence thre are Cathoilcs/Jews etc) preacher just a day or 2 ago was saying one of the WORST things evah to happen in the USA was "Giving Women the Right To Vote"...... aaaarrrrggggggggggggggggggGGGGG!
Hmmm, I kinda want to see that Tom Cruise movie...just not HIM. LOL.
But Russell Brand as the sound guy? Could be good :D

I have the same problem with that new "snow white" movie coming out. It looks amazing, but I can't stand the fact that the chick who is/was Bella Swan is playing Snow White. Ick.

Also, on the political comments: A+ to Hillary. I wanted her for Pres soooooo badly. And I still hold out hope that she might run in 2016. Obama is awesome and so much better of a choice than any of the narrow minded fucktards who tried to run this time, including the super-rich and super-ignorant Romney. :doh:
Anyone who thinks $374k "isn't very much" needs to take a LONG ASS look at the income inequality in this country before they so much as THINK about running it.
And please dont get me started on Santorum. He clearly shouldn't have even been CONSIDERED due to his amounts of cray-cray. *shudder*

On a happier note: HAPPY BDAY, BONO!!! :love: I'd take you to my bunk so you can have fun with Adam and I, but something tells me the Bono girls have you all booked up ;)
:lol: def got the B-man booked :hyper::drool: :D

oh man.... Romney? I created jobs! YEAH> RIGHT after you butchered companies and destryed workers ! Vulture Capitalism!

Santorum :yuck: :yuck:

der what is the cray-cray remark refering too? :der:

well I figured I'd get the poly stuff out first and then go drool with my fellow B-grrls!:hyper::lol::up:
dazzledbylight said:
:sigh: PGP B-Grrls to share the :heart Love and ( :drool:Lust with ?!!?? :ohmy:

take care everyone and see you soon! :heart:

Hey Dazz! You are on just as I leave work. Then I don't get back on until later. Obama isn't terrible. I just think he'd feel more comfortable standing up for what he truly believes if he had more experience in the political machine. He came in at a shit time and I don't think McCain could do better. I'd rather have McCain than Romney.....and this is from someone who DID vote for him for governor. The other option was just that bad. But he was a liberal Republican here as you need to be in Massachusetts.

As for Bono, I need to go over to the post I created and get some photos in. Everyone knows your birthday lasts a week.
Yay for the FDA finally getting off their asses. I bet the drug costs a fortune and no insurance company will cover it. (Dont mean to sound like a Debbie Downer but we all know how shitty the US health care system is...)

On a happy note - It Might Get Loud is on VH1 Classic. :heart:
I'm not much of a Edge girl but I cant help watching it. Especially for that beautiful scene towards the end where there is nothing but a forest, and Bass Trap is playing. :cute:
It's like Adam is leaving me a special little secret. :heart:
(No, I'm not drunk. But I tried one of those new Starbucks "Refreshers" and am kinda hyper from all the caffeine. Especially since I've been drinking Diet Coke all day. :shh: )
Yay for the FDA finally getting off their asses. I bet the drug costs a fortune and no insurance company will cover it. (Dont mean to sound like a Debbie Downer but we all know how shitty the US health care system is...)
I agree whole heartedly with this.

On a happy note - It Might Get Loud is on VH1 Classic. :heart:
I'm not much of a Edge girl but I cant help watching it. Especially for that beautiful scene towards the end where there is nothing but a forest, and Bass Trap is playing. :cute:
It's like Adam is leaving me a special little secret. :heart:
(No, I'm not drunk. But I tried one of those new Starbucks "Refreshers" and am kinda hyper from all the caffeine. Especially since I've been drinking Diet Coke all day. :shh: )

Yay for hyper-ness!
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