Your favorite 2017 albums/songs so far? (translated from cobblerese)

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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin
Roughly the halfway point of the year so far. So name ya fav albums and songs so far. It’s been a weird year so far… nothing so far has blown me away, there’s a number of albums that I really like but they never seem to spend more than a few days in my head. But then in the second half of this year there’s going to be like 10 B&C favs releasing albums. Strange stuff. Opinions on 2k17 could be very different by the end of the year.

If I had to name my top five albums and songs right now, in order, it would probably be:

Los Campesinos! - Sick Scenes
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - The French Press
Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.
Freddie Gibbs - You Only Live 2wice
Sampha - Process

The National - The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness
Nana Rouges - Passionfruit
Sampha - No One Knows Me Like the Piano
Visible Cloaks - Terrazzo
Lorde - Green Light
*looks at thread title*




Paging cori...
I couldn't understand the fuss over Royals, but Green Light has been stuck in my head for days. I rate it 42 out of 10.
1. Arca: S/T
2. Kendrick: DAMN
3. Slowdive: S/T
4. Perfume Genius: No Shape

Other good ones:

Spoon: Hot Thoughts
Jlin: Black Origami
Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzalez: Room 29
Goldfrapp: Silver Eye
Los Campesinos: Sick Scenes
Black Origami is good, indeed.

I'd also like to see this thread used for recs; if you have heard something that you know another member here might enjoy, please say so!
Fast and furious is just topgun with cars instead of planes
Geez, that title wasn't even peak Cobbler.

Anyway, this year hasn't really set my world alight yet. My favourite albums so far are:

Ali Barter - A Suitable Girl
The Bats - The Deep Set
Cloud Nothings - Life Without Sound
Dryjacket - For Posterity
Fazerdaze - Morningside (I'm surprised this place isn't all over her)
Marnie - Strange Words and Weird Wars
Pillorian - Obsidian Arc
Secret Shine - There Is Only Now
Sleepmakeswaves - Made of Breath Only
Slowdive - Slowdive
Tiny Deaths - Elegies
Ulver - The Assassination of Julius Caesar

Top songs:

Ali Barter - Light Them on Fire
Dryjacket - Misused Adrenaline
Deafcult - Rubix
Fazerdaze - Last to Sleep
Major Leagues - Good Love
Marnie - Alphabet Block
Me Not You - Kill the Noise
Methyl Ethel - Weeds Through the Rind
Slowdive - Sugar for the Pill (going to be hard to top this for song of the year)
Tiny Deaths - The Singularity
Ulver - So Falls the World

Can't wait for the Deafcult and Major Leagues albums to drop. Should be a good year for Aussie stuff in the end. Lowtide, Contrast, A Strange Day, and White Walls all have albums in the tank too, and I think Bloodhounds on My Trail are close.
Off the top of my head, these five albums have stuck with me so far this year:

Los Campesinos! - Sick Scenes

Priests - Nothing Feels Natural

Ninet Tayeb - Paper Parachute

Spoon - Hot Thoughts

Me and That Man - Songs of Love and Death

Just outside my top five:

Kendrick Lamar - DAMN
Laura Marling - Semper Femina
Julie Byrne - Not Even Happiness
A few songs i have been digging:

Sylvan Esso: Die Young
Spoon: Can I Sit Next to You
Kendrick: Feel / XXX / Duckworth
Slowdive: Sugar for the Pill
Violents & Monica Martin: Equal Powers
Kelly Lee Owens - Kelly Lee Owens
Tara Jane O'Neil - Tara Jane O'Neil
Colin Stetson - All this I do for glory
Narkopop - Gas
Brutus - Burst

Probably best album though:
Alice Coltrane - World Spirituality Classics 1: The ecstatic music of Alice Coltrane
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