Who made it on Stage so far?

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Well I've never even met the band so.. I'd say getting pulled up once is a lifetime experience. More than once I don't really understand, I guess because Bono remembers, but hey more power to you lol.

I also agree with not always having to be on the rail this tour. I saw my 2 San Jose shows from a few rows back from like the middle of the stage (near red zone) and it was great. I felt super close to the band and I was also able to see everything on the amazing screen. I'd like to even do seats from far back too. In my old age I have no desire to line up - the spots I got on GA were great and I waltzed in at like 7:30. There were even a few rail spots left but I wanted to see more than their shoes :lol:
Ooh, I understand, but please see it live once even from back of ga, not to be missed live. I feel the DVD never captures the band or screens correctly.

:yes: Next leg! I am too old and crabby (crabby-er?) to deal with line shenanigans. I just got lucky to go to a venue that wristbanded for 2 shows and to have the Ride VIP access for the other 2. So, next leg I will definitely either do seats (gulp!) or back of the floor for at least one show.

I don't know where else to post this, but instead of a long winded post..or links to news which I'm sure are bombarding people's feeds elsewhere..here is our story in my own voice.


(Picturing my silly smile while listening optional lol)

Sent from my ass crack

I am so happy for you guys. Sorry to miss it this time, but at least I was there nearly 10 years ago! This was so much cooler though!

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And, since my husband color corrected this for me and printed me a lovely 8 x 10 to bring with me to Chicago in hopes of getting it signed...

ImageUploadedByU2 Interference1436383540.592254.jpg

In the end, I didn't event go to the loading docks to wait for them. But I suppose I could finally frame it and put it up somewhere other than my U2 Facebook folder.

More pictures from everyone else, please!

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And, since my husband color corrected this for me and printed me a lovely 8 x 10 to bring with me to Chicago in hopes of getting it signed...

View attachment 10225

In the end, I didn't event go to the loading docks to wait for them. But I suppose I could finally frame it and put it up somewhere other than my U2 Facebook folder.

More pictures from everyone else, please!

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That's so cool to have a pic like that. I would freeze up if I ever got on stage.

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And, since my husband color corrected this for me and printed me a lovely 8 x 10 to bring with me to Chicago in hopes of getting it signed...

View attachment 10225

In the end, I didn't event go to the loading docks to wait for them. But I suppose I could finally frame it and put it up somewhere other than my U2 Facebook folder.

More pictures from everyone else, please!

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That reminds me how we met online! That was the Chicago vertigo show right? Where I was chatting on U2gigs with a guy who took those pics, I still have the huge one he sent me hanging in my bedroom! :D Man how time flies.
That's so cool to have a pic like that. I would freeze up if I ever got on stage.

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Thanks! And, if I had known I was going up, I probably would have hurled and been frozen with fear. But adrenaline kicks in and you just do it. But funny enough, nearly 10 years later, I cannot for the life of me watch the full videos. :lol:

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That reminds me how we met online! That was the Chicago vertigo show right? Where I was chatting on U2gigs with a guy who took those pics, I still have the huge one he sent me hanging in my bedroom! :D Man how time flies.

:yes: the guy that took this picture is your fellow countryman! I directed you to come here after talking in the comments over there. :)

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Well I've never even met the band so.. I'd say getting pulled up once is a lifetime experience. More than once I don't really understand, I guess because Bono remembers, but hey more power to you lol.

I also agree with not always having to be on the rail this tour. I saw my 2 San Jose shows from a few rows back from like the middle of the stage (near red zone) and it was great. I felt super close to the band and I was also able to see everything on the amazing screen. I'd like to even do seats from far back too. In my old age I have no desire to line up - the spots I got on GA were great and I waltzed in at like 7:30. There were even a few rail spots left but I wanted to see more than their shoes :lol:

I only tried once. I was 17 ( and had been taking lessons for a few years with the far away day dream of getting up) it was Halloween, so I dressed in my costume, met B and he asked me to do it in Tampa, which fortunately I was going to. Even with it pre set up by him it was still difficult, had to get my spot on the railing had to get his attention at the right time, etc.

I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be the girl that was pulled up for a slow dance song. That was never a dream of mine, Mysterious Ways was my song. I really never even allowed myself to fantasize about being a Bad/WOWY girl. I I just didn't think I was that person. My belly dance was indeed once in a lifetime and fantastic and can never be replaced. Unfortunately it was in an era when there's not a lot of cameras and vids.

The absolute stunned shock to be up again during a slow song? I cannot even explain it . very much different and yet still once in a lifetime feeling. Because in those moments when its not set up, (I'm sure Miro would agree) hes in the moment with the crowd and having a moment with the person he chooses. Feeding off your energy, and giving it back to each other.

Does he remember people, certainly. is that why ppl get up a few times? I'd say yes, and no. It has so much to do with the energy that you're giving to him , as much as the energy he's giving to you. So when anyone wonders why certain ppl are multiple times, that's why. Amp, for instance, never once takes out a cell phone at the show, and rocks out the entire time feeding off of the bands energy and giving it right back to them. that's why Bono loves him, Dan, now Mark, etc. Hope that makes sense. It's hard to describe over interwebs, lol

.... And that's not to say we wouldn't all take pictures or pull out cell phones for photos if we're in the stands or towards the back . just saying when you're on the railing it's kind of a different thing.

I saw you at SJ1 Sicy! Said hi during show! :wave:
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I do believe there was once an interference meme featuring the ORLY owl's head photoshoped onto Miroslava's body in that picture

I believe I may have created it :hmm:

I just remembered that a few weeks ago when I came back from hiatus! :lol: I tried to describe it to my husband but my memory and my descriptive powers failed me and I could not do it justice. He looked slightly concerned.

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Hope that makes sense. It's hard to describe over interwebs, lol

:yes: it does. And I agree with your assessment. :up:

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:yes: the guy that took this picture is your fellow countryman! I directed you to come here after talking in the comments over there. :)

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:D That's right, you did. And I'll be eternally grateful for it!

Mad how one tiny gesture from a total stranger can change your life so much. I've met so many friends though this place, seen so many places. Bloody magical.

Wonder if that guy is still active on U2gigs. :hmm: Would be nice to find him again to thank him!
I really should be given a commendation for recruiting you to this place. ?

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Haha nah we'll stay right here on the Blue Crack :wink:

Thanks for the kind words man, seriously.

Still processing it all. I thought just getting up back in '05 was the shit..and then this. And anyone who's been onstage can attest: Every experience is special and unique with this band. They really are the fucking best, aren't they?

Sent from my ass crack

So I was there for both of your times, and both of Jess's. If anyone else who dreams of getting on stage would like to buy me tickets and pay my travel expenses, I will be happy to act as a good luck charm. :wave: :wink:
Haha nah we'll stay right here on the Blue Crack :wink:

Thanks for the kind words man, seriously.

Still processing it all. I thought just getting up back in '05 was the shit..and then this. And anyone who's been onstage can attest: Every experience is special and unique with this band. They really are the fucking best, aren't they?

Sent from my ass crack

So I watched the performance again last night (in addition to that girl "Stephanie" from The Toronto shows who was really great) and you guys hit a home run. When people play with the band, it can be hit or miss and by miss I mean cringeworthy but you guys really did well and it was a cool moment.

Bono was right when he noted the talent in Toronto/Canada.

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mofo82 and Harbinger (I think those are the right two) made it onstage recently ... don't recall what city, but they both were up to sing/play Desire.
I'm still pissed that Miroslava made it on stage while wearing a Dirty Day wristband and didn't even think to give it to Bono. I'll never forgive her.

It is a shame upon my family's honor. But I also forgot to give him my name, so I am not sure it is all that surprising that the bracelet slipped my mind.

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mofo82 and Harbinger (I think those are the right two) made it onstage recently ... don't recall what city, but they both were up to sing/play Desire.


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So I think of getting on stage with U2 as one of the rarest and most amazing things that can happen (to a U2 fan of course). I think it is either amazing luck or you have to be a massive U2 fan that the band recognize via seeing them at the show over time or something (ie how do they know when a tribute band is in the house??)

It seems a lot of peeps from our community have made it in stage and I'm curious....what's the official list?

Who else? I feel like all of you are stars now in this place...it's so cool.

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Shawn and I (Harbinger and mofo82) were the guys on stage for Desire in Chicago night 3. Shawn was on guitar and I sang 3rd verse and ending. It is a HUGE honor to be invited up there. I still can't believe Bono handed me the mic and backed off to let me sing solo. I believe the magic is really with Shawn. Bono asked me if I play guitar and I said no but Shawn who we had just met just happened to play despite his vision problems. I think he really liked knowing someone overcame adversity and knows how to play their music. It wasn't til I was on stage and whispered into his ear at the end of the song that I told him I had survived cancer. I didn't use that as a way to solicit singing Desire

This was my 15th U2 show, not many compared to others, but Bono was really cool outside the arena before the show. Looked me straight in the eyes when we talked. As far as being on stage, I can't remember many times where he's ever backed off on the vocals for a proper U2 song. It's almost been 2 weeks and I still haven't come down from it. I only wish there were more hardcore fans that could get up there and experience the feeling.

I grew up outside of Chicago and watched the Michael Jordan led Chicago Bulls and now the Blackhawks win championships in the same building. I actually wore a pair of my Air Jordans to this show for good luck :)

I'm about to post some photos I sought out from people who attended the show and were nice enough to send these to me. Good thing my profession is in picture framing, cus I have lots now including The Edge signing the setlist from the same show I sang with them.

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