Which SOE tracks should be singles?

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War Child
May 14, 2007
AB, Canada
U2's last few album releases have sparked a lot of discussion about what songs should be (or should have been) singles. Boots from NLOTH is widely derided, and The Miracle from SOI generally wasn't seen as a great choice (though not as bad as Boots).

So, which songs from SOE do you think should be (or should have been) singles? Assuming of course that this means a push to radio, release on streaming services, probably a music video, and promotional performances of the song.

Here's my take. Released in this order:

You're the Best Thing About Me (Sept. 2017). I liked that the band released a joyful pop song, when you might have expected another rocker or something political. It was refreshing. The song also seems to have gone down well with the public.

The Little Things That Give You Away (Dec. 2017). This is a U2 classic, everyone here seems to agree, and I think the dark mood of the ending would really resonate with the public at this moment in time. The confessional nature of it is compelling, too. It's a mature, late career track, the sort of the thing you'd expect from an album called Songs of Experience.

Love is Bigger Than Anything (Feb. 2018). A big, catchy, heart-on-the-sleeve pop song that's immediately appealing to the ears. A message of hope for the future after "the end" arrives in Little Things. The "parent speaking to children" angle would resonate with a lot of people, too (after all, most people are parents or they have parents... lol).

Summer of Love (May 2018). A short, slinky pop song that could get some radio play as summer approaches in the US. Try to get Lady Gaga back in the studio to do the vocal on the bridge, so the song can be credited to U2 feat. Lady Gaga.

Your turn, Interference. :wave:
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I would say "You're the Best Thing," "The Little Things," "Get out of your Own Way" and possibly "The Blackout" would be the best singles choices. "The Showman" is so dang catchy, though....
I think Summer of Love is the only one that could be a hit in the current radio landscape.

Love Is Bigger is catchy, but I think the wide eyed optimism would never, ever catch on.
This is an album that could justify 8 or 9 releases.

I would like to see Red Flag Day and Summer of Love get some attention because of what they're about (which has been completely lost on several critics). Love is Bigger has to be a single. Fuck the cynics, this is what U2 is about. Defiant joy.
Blackout, summer of love, red flag day and little things that give you away should be the 4 singles
The Little Things That Give You Away.
Lights of Home.

This is a dark and deep record about death and depression, and it's being promoted with bright cheery pop.

Give them something that's actually indicative of the album.
This is an album that could justify 8 or 9 releases.

I would like to see Red Flag Day and Summer of Love get some attention because of what they're about (which has been completely lost on several critics). Love is Bigger has to be a single. Fuck the cynics, this is what U2 is about. Defiant joy.

So well said! That joy and unabashed emotion makes U2 a bad fit for this era of deep cynicism, ironic detachment, pessimism and negativity, but so what? I'm becoming a defiant U2 fan, I guess!
For me, SOE is filled with potential singles. I would be easier to list the ones that I think would not make good singles. But are singles still a thing?
For me, SOE is filled with potential singles. I would be easier to list the ones that I think would not make good singles. But are singles still a thing?

Singles are more of a thing than ever before because YouTube streams count as sales now. In addition, artists are frequently releasing 3-4 singles before their albums because those sales count toward RIAA certification.
Singles are more of a thing than ever before because YouTube streams count as sales now. In addition, artists are frequently releasing 3-4 singles before their albums because those sales count toward RIAA certification.

When I was a kid, singles (45's) were all the thing. Albums were an afterthought. That all changed in the 60's and 70's, where a single was just advertisement for the album. It's funny to see it going back to where it once was in the music industry.
I am surprised to see so many suggesting Red Flag Day... I don't find the song especially remarkable, other than the bridge, and I wonder if Bono could even sing the chorus live.

Love Is Bigger is catchy, but I think the wide eyed optimism would never, ever catch on.
I don't know, I've been surprised to see even the most cynical Interferencers have either liked the song or admitted that it's good. Still, hard to say what the general public would think.
Red Flag Day
The Little Things That Give You Away
The Blackout

If I had to pick 3 I'd pick those... plenty of different sounds represented.

Edge was right when he said the album was packed with potential singles.
No, I think Get Out is the worst track on the album. You'll notice I didn't suggest it as a single in the first post of this thread.

Red Flag Day is solid, but I wish the arrangement varied more over its run time. The chorus' first two appearances are basically identical. I also find Bono's higher register kind of grating, he's pushing his voice too far. Those are the things that keep it from being excellent in my mind.
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I don't get the hate for the beautiful Get Out of Your Own Way.

With that said, the best singles to get the album noticed would be(in order of top choice):

Summer of Love
Love is Bigger Than anything in its Way
Get out of Your Own Way
The Black Out
Lights of Home

As much as I love Little Things, I don't think it's a radio single.
The Blackout should have been a proper single.

Summer of Love
The Little Things
Lights of Home
Love is Bigger
Does the general public even know what a "red flag day" is? I certainly had no idea (I know now, however), and I've seen a number of varying interpretations on here.
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For me the meaning of Red Flag Day is from my younger years of surfing - Red Flag = enter ocean with caution because the the waves are up (tasty) and possible rip currents.

My pick for singles:

Little Things
Love is bigger should've been a single! It's my favorite on the album at the moment. And I think it would've done well.
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