When will Window On The Sky debut on radio??

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May 10, 2005
Well, I assume it will be on Dave Fannings new radio show (thats in Ireland) and I heard that it will broadcast on Holloween night, but I havent heard anything elsse, can anyone confirm or deny a date??

the Info-sheet says early november so hopefully within at least 2-3 weeks!
Maybe earlier what do I know...
Its late oct now , if this is anything to go by the video will be at all major video outlets now right ?
If it were coming out in the next couple of days, wouldn't we have found out by now?

This seems awfully secretive and uncertain.
Does "video being delivered" to video outlets mean they're going to show it right when they get it?
I was wondering the same thing. I dont think they would, considering MTV and VH1 and everywhere else now has the Saints video. They wouldnt show 2 U2 videos in regular rotation, would they?
We don't even have Saints yet in Holland! And usually europe has them before the US....

I wonder what kind of video WITS will have, and what kind of song it is :hmm:
Galeongirl said:
and what kind of song it is :hmm:

That's kind of tricky considering we have several sources on this:

Originally posted by Caroline (u2log.com)

I was lucky enough to hear a few bars of the new tune sung to me over a glass of wine earlier this week. Sort of 70's pop/crooner-Sweetest Thing kind of vibe.

Originally posted by Rolling Stone (http://scatterolight.blogspot.com/)

in the november 2 issue of rolling stone, the upcoming u2 single is described as being "an epic in the style of city of blinding lights, with rich vocal harmonies".

And also:
Originally posted by The Slow Loris and The_Edge89

Unless you think it's thrilling when dirty days mix with sweet things.
Ah, use your imagination! It's a riddle, my human friend!

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The quote from Rolling stone sounds like 402, and i like the sound of it.
OK, it's the last day of October now. Just where exactly is the new single?
Axver said:
OK, it's the last day of October now. Just where exactly is the new single?

Give the rest of the world time to catch up. :wink:
Utoo said:

Who knew a nation of sheep required such fast-paced living! :wink: :lol:

Our sheep have evolved rocket boosters, you see.

The first sheep to land on the moon was a Kiwi ewe from Waikikamukau.

Hint to understand the above joke: Waikikamukau is correctly pronounced as 'why kick a moo cow?'.
i don't get why everyone is expecting it NOW

the press sheet says the video will get delivered by late November not PLAYED. MTV probably have it sitting on a shelf somewhere with a scheduled airplay of like 2 weeks time. i doubt very much its' going to go from the hands fo the delivery guy straight to broadcast

and the single is only scheduled for shipping early november so thats not likely to get played any time soon and i doubt the video will get an airing before the song gets one on radio.
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