When I Look at the World - e-stage

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The Fly
Mar 3, 2014
Fremantle, Western Australia
When I'm at work, due to the nature of the office environment, I listen to music with one headphone in. At this very moment I am listening to When I Look at the World with only my right headphone in, and for the first time I am realising that this should get an outing.

Full disclosure: I have always loved this song. But I have never considered it an appropriate live pick, because of the layered production on the track. Quite simply, I didn't think it was realistic that Edge could pull it off faithfully.

Listening to it through one channel, however, makes me realise that those layers of guitar aren't necessary to make it a good live song, and I think it could be perfect for the e-stage. It wouldn't challenge Bono's voice, the drums are quite simple yet a good tempo, the bass is driving and Edge could alternate between rhythm in the verses and the higher notes in the chorus.

As far as chucking out a new rarity, I would love to hear this played. I don't think it would take a lot of effort. I'd rather hear some Pop songs played before this, but I think that case has been prosecuted enough already.

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Ewww.... an ATYCLB song! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!


... kidding, of course. But yeah, I actually do agree on all counts there.
I love this song. Quite possibly my favorite on ATYCLB. I've been wanting them to play it at least once for a very long time. It would be great for the e-stage.
I could see it segueing into Bullet. Bono would probably yell 'what's wrong with me?' into the megaphone a few times, which leads into his old/young Bono chat later on.
Agree 110% - my feeling right from the beginning of this tour it would fit conceptually with the "innocence" side of things - one of my all time favorites.
Sounds like a great choice for the E stage. Having it there would take some pressure off Edge, who I believe doesn't want to play it because he can't get the guitar tone right.
Sounds like a great choice for the E stage. Having it there would take some pressure off Edge, who I believe doesn't want to play it because he can't get the guitar tone right.

I'm sure if he fiddled around a bit he could get a tone close enough.
It's a nice song and I'd love to hear it, but our self conscious band probably know it would go down like a lead balloon outside of the diehards.
It's my fave song off ATYCLB, would love it if they attempted it but I am afraid they'll never do that.. there's a rumour going on that Edge lost the guitar effects or settings, but that reeks of nonsense to me since it'd be easy to try out to find them again..
I could see it segueing into Bullet. Bono would probably yell 'what's wrong with me?' into the megaphone a few times, which leads into his old/young Bono chat later on.

That would be spectacular!!

Could totally see that!

He could sing "what's wrong with me" in the searching/longing way he does it on the album.

Then Larry drops the drum beat for Bullet, the screen flips to Wall Street/ISIS/Refugee backdrop that they've been using as Bono grabs the megaphone and screams "what's wrong with me" a few times!

What a great idea!!:up:
Love the song. Have always thought it was the biggest 'hit' (read - not a 'miss') in the earnest, hearts-on-sleeves, direct 00s style.

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It's a great song but I hold out no hope that it will EVER get a live outing. They have so many good songs but never play them live.

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