What is your favorite version of "Happy Birthday"?

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 19, 2000
Black Lodge
when i look at U2's greatest live songs, i think of Bad, UTEOTW, Streets, just to name a few. i also put "Happy Birthday" on that list of epic live moments. throughout the last 3 tours, U2 has played this song quite often, sometimes even impromptu.

so my question to each of you is, which version do you like the best?

Elevation Tour
Vertigo Tour
360 Tour

if needed, i can post Youtube links or even post a poll for this topic.

my personal opinion is that each version has something different to offer. maybe it's because the current tour is still fresh to me, but i personally vote for the 360 Tour version of "Happy Birthday". it seems like the BPM is a little faster than the previous tours, and it works flawlessly.
Personally, I think Bono's singing on HB has been weak since ZooTV. I know it's a staple, and that a lot of casual fans are waiting to see it, but maybe they should give it a break until they find a new approach to the song (sort of like what happened with SBS on Popmart.)
Oh and after august 6 my favourite version will change to when Bono shows up on my doorstep with Edge carrying an acoustic guitar and serenading it to me. :yes: Totally gonna happen y'all! And then two days later I'll play it on guitar and Bono will serenade Edge.
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