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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Feb 13, 2004
watching the Cubs

Man Charged With Assault for Throwing Cheetos at Dad

DES MOINES, Iowa — A Des Moines man was charged with domestic assault Sunday after throwing a bag of Cheetos at his father.

Twenty-two-year-old Patrick Hamman was arrested after the bag of cheesy chips hit his father, Michael Hamman, in the face.

Police said the bag hit his father's glasses, causing a cut to the bridge of his nose.

The police report said — quote— "Michael's T-shirt was also covered in Cheeto dust."

Police said Patrick, who lives with his father, admitted that he was on methamphetamine at the time of the argument.


Any thoughts? I saw this, and I laughed at first, but now I think this is just sad in a way.
So did somebody call the cops over the Cheetos, or were they already there because the meth-head was raising a ruckus before the Cheeto incident even happened?

If I was dad I'd boot the tweaker out on his ass...
Well the only reason this is "newsworthy" is that the object thrown was a bag of cheetos. And cheetos are funny.

The reason for the assault charge is that the kid was on drugs and he drew blood. It really doesn't matter the means to which it happened or the object used. I know someone who had to received 3 stitches from a flying stale tortilla once, no kidding.
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