Vox AC15C - Thoughts?

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Nov 21, 2013
Hey guys,

So I have played guitar without a real amp for almost 8 years now, running everything through a Line 6 UX2 and Shortboard MKii on my computer. I'm a fairly casual player and only play for myself, so being able to throw headphones on and save a whole bunch of U2 presets to my computer has been my go to method for quite some time.

However, I want to upgrade a bit to bring me one step closer to the "real thing", so to speak. I am thinking about picking up a Vox AC15C and running my (admittedly cheap sounding) effects via the UX2 through it. Do any of you have experience with this amp? I figure that, because I am playing primarily in my home, I don't need the wattage or heft of the AC30 but would still like to get a sound similar to it. The AC15C seems to be a good option in that sense, but I am admittedly pretty oblivious to a lot of the finer details surrounding guitar tech in general.

Any thoughts on this?
The chance exists that it will sound like crap. Modeling stuff basically works best when going directly into a poweramp, bypassing the preamp section that gives the AC-15 its sound. Which means forgoing the guitar input and plugging into the FX return input instead. But....... as far as I know AC-15's don't have an FX send/return loop.

So plugging your modeling unit into the preamp of an AC-15, it will probably not sound that good. I'm not even sure that you can do it with an UX2. Isn't that a tool to go straight into a PC?
Thank you for the insight! The UX2 does go straight into a PC, but also has a "headphone" port that I have used to plug into an acoustic amp before, which has worked alright when I have wanted to play out loud. (which I suppose is similar to a "poweramp" that you mentioned) That is what I was envisioning when I posted this thread... plug the AC-15 into the "Headphones" port of the UX2, and only run the guitar input + Pod Farm effects (with no amp) through the AC-15.

I guess my question would be, is there a solution out there that has a bank of modeled effects (like the UX2 or a Pod HD500) that can be run through an amp like an AC-15 without it sounding like garbage? That is ideally what I want, mainly because I am not interested in buying a whole host of pedals/effects. Hopefully I explained that well.
I have an AC15C. Great amp. Better if you get it with a Celestion Blue (or upgrade it to one.

When I was a tech for a tribute, we'd used an HD 500 and my AC15. It sounded great.

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