Video Game thread XIV ²: No Prequels Club

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I'm a bit weary about getting too many cross generation games. I want to be blown away by the technology, but it seems like most are just a slight graphical enhancement.

I've never really played much of the series so it's kinda new to me....but, yes, the graphics are not blowing me away....I'll Killzone it up and Battlefield it down when I get back from NYC, probably.
I played DC Universe a bit more today... I still have no idea what the fuck is going on... I'm not sure I'll ever play it again... I did enjoy making the character, however
I spent about 20-30 minutes trying to make a character as close to Iron Man as possible.

Then I played the game for about 10 minutes and got bored.

We'll see what happens. Maybe if you're ever on at the same time as me, it could be interesting playing with others.

In other news, I'm absolutely loving how long it takes me to beat one chapter of Killzone. I hear the game is short, so I'm assuming there must not be many chapters, but I'm feeling pretty content right now sitting down for about an hour or so, beating a chapter and then moving on to something else. This game is definitely not one I would recommend to others, but I need to go back and play other games in the franchise, clearly. Halo is probably my favorite video game franchise ever, besides Legend of Zelda, I never realized how up my alley Killzone was before now.
I thought so.

That's probably going to be something I buy next Christmas, or the one after, depending on what I hear. I've no doubt it will be pretty cool down the road, but I look forward to hearing what you think.

Speaking of which, as far as the PS4 goes, I haven't said much about the system itself, but I think it's pretty nice, really. I like the new menu screen, though it's taken me a while to get used to the layout. But what I really LOVE is how easy it is to switch between users. I can log into Travis' account and not even have to exit out of the game I'm currently playing. Not sure how often I will use that feature, but it's pretty cool nonetheless.

The controller, though, is really something. I thought it was going to be big and bulky, but I think it's actually smaller than the Dualshock 3. That came as a huge surprise. I was sad to discover, however, that I am absolutely an idiot. For some reason I thought the touchpad was an LED screen. Not sure where I got that idea into my head. I had dreams of returning to the days of the Dreamcast and finally being able to playcall in Madden without anyone seeing what I was doing.

That being said, I haven't tried the dual screen feature, yet, though I do have the app downloaded onto my phone.

I'm already full of regret about "buying" the PS4 at launch, though, now that I see the Vita/PS4 bundle is going to happen. But I'll live. I have the bastard now and I'm having a blast playing it.
Supposed to be out in December. I think the Second Assault maps came out on X1 today (BF3 remake maps), PS4 is supposed to get them either in a week or two. We'll have a crapload of new maps shortly!
It's insane that Australians and Britons have to pay over U$500 for a new PS4.

Might as well wait for 4 years until the PS4 gets perfected and with a lower price.
Oh, anyone got an XBox One?

*raises hand* Only playing NBA and FIFA so far, looking at getting Battlefield...I'm used to COD, I'm just wondering for anyone that has played both games which they prefer and is it pretty straightforward to pickup BF controls?

PopNuts87 is my gamer tag if anyone wants to add...PopTart was taken :sad:
So you went with Nuts? :lol:

I think I'm going to check out Battlefield next. Seems like that's the game everyone's going gaga over, even if it's not a new game.
*raises hand* Only playing NBA and FIFA so far, looking at getting Battlefield...I'm used to COD, I'm just wondering for anyone that has played both games which they prefer and is it pretty straightforward to pickup BF controls?

Modern Warfare was what got me into playing online. I was super addicted to that game. But Battlefield converted me. It's much less of a run-around-shoot-die-respawn-shoot-die kinda game. A little slower paced (if you want it to be) and tactical. I would only ever play Search and Destroy on COD because I liked that everyone cared if they died or not.... I kinda miss that mode, but haven't gone back to COD since Black Ops
Any recommendations for PSN games? I got Resogun, which is cool and am downloading Contrast. What about paid ones?
Any recommendations for PSN games? I got Resogun, which is cool and am downloading Contrast. What about paid ones?

I'm waiting to use my $10 credit on Escape Plan. Looks like crazy fun.

Also hoping to see doki doki universe soon.
To anyone who gets an Xbox One, get Dead Rising 3. It's ridiculously fun.

JT, do you ever get an error in BF4 and it crashes you out to the dashboard? I unfortunately had one of those crashes yesterday during this match:

Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 4

I'd taken out 5 tanks, 1 boat, 1 helicopter, and numerous infantry with my tank. Was getting ready to unload on even more, and it crashed. :sad::sad::sad:
Haven't had that yet. But I have gotten errors in between maps that kicks me out to the dashboard. Kind of annoying, but at least I keep my stats.
I've someone lost my single player progress, which is really irritating. Not sure I want to play through those first few boards again.
I finally played some of the 64 player matches. At first, I was afraid it would be a little too crazy and run and gun, but it makes it much more enjoyable. I even had fun on Locker, which I usually try to avoid. A few frame rate issues with it, but for the most part, it runs great
Killzone online is so ridiculously hard or I just suck really bad. It took me hours to even get the first upgrade. Maybe if I just keep powering through I'll eventually be able to play
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