US Politics XXXIII: Get Inoculated!

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I’m still of the belief that Trump and Russia worked a lot more closely than what was revealed in the Mueller report. Mueller had his hands tied with what he could investigate (he never went after the $$$), and pretty much most of the people he interviewed or charged knew they’d get a pardon so they didn’t cooperate.

I think we’ll get more and more info about 1/6 and Trump and his team being very much involved with the plot to kidnap members of congress and try to violently overthrow the government.

Two of the biggest traitor acts in our history done by the same admin within a four year term
(CNN)Amanda Gorman, the nation's first youth poet laureate, said she was "tailed" and told "you look suspicious" by a security guard as she walked home Friday night.

"A security guard tailed me on my walk home tonight. He demanded if I lived there because 'you look suspicious.' I showed my keys & buzzed myself into my building. He left, no apology," Gorman wrote in a post on her verified Instagram account.

"This is the reality of black girls: One day you're called an icon, the next day, a threat," she added.

In a later tweet, the 22-year-old said, "In a sense he was right. I AM A THREAT: a threat to injustice, to inequality, to ignorance. Anyone who speaks the truth and walks with hope is an obvious and fatal danger to the powers that be. A threat and proud."

America's youngest inaugural poet earned national acclaim on January 21 when she recited her poem, "The Hill We Climb," as President Joe Biden took the oath of office.
Nope. For a bill that does so much. While it didn’t keep everything as is, the Dems do deserve some credit for keeping the total 1.9 trillion together when in past someone like Romney or Collins would have gutted it down
Nope. For a bill that does so much. While it didn’t keep everything as is, the Dems do deserve some credit for keeping the total 1.9 trillion together when in past someone like Romney or Collins would have gutted it down

it's the most progressive piece of legislation in decades. this is how you start to convince the white working class that D policies are actually in their best interests, and culture war issues are a dead end.

add that to close to 3m people getting vaccinated a day, it's a good week.

thanks, Uncle Joe.
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No Republicans voted for the covid relief bill. Shocking!

Course not. They're too busy crying about Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Seuss books and wasting time trying to pass even stricter voter laws.

The Democrats need to remind voters of their refusal to support this bill as often as possible between now and the 2022 elections.
No Republicans voted for the covid relief bill. Shocking!

9% of the bill is for COVID relief, the rest is for bailing out financially mismanaged Democrat run states and cities, and various other liberal pork that they are ramming through. Or, have you not looked to see what’s in the bill?
‘Fraid not, sweet pea.

You need to stop believing memes just because they make you feel good.

I don’t need memes, my friend, I just read more than the headlines of liberal biased rags like this.

Schools don’t need more money to reopen, just reopen, many have already done so and are fine.

The science you love so much shows that children are not strong transmitters, and are actually being mentally harmed by not opening.

If we would just reopen the country as a whole, and let all small businesses operate as they should, and let grown adults make their own decisions, they wouldn’t need the government assistance that the government wants to force on them .

And besides, your article doesn’t disavow the percentages I mention.

Most of the bill is to bailout Democrat disasters like New York, California, and Illinois. Thankfully the Planned Parenthood provision that they tried to ram through was stopped.

And $1400 is not going to pull anyone out of poverty, but your liberal media will make you feel like it is.

But don’t worry, if you’re one of the members here who gets a tax refund, you pay no taxes so it may not affect you. Now the other half of the members, the white liberal elite affluent ones, will have to pay more for it.

Of course, Rachel Maddow and The Huffington Post won’t mention that.
I don’t need memes, my friend, I just read more than the headlines of liberal biased rags like this.

Schools don’t need more money to reopen, just reopen, many have already done so and are fine.

The science you love so much shows that children are not strong transmitters, and are actually being mentally harmed by not opening.

If we would just reopen the country as a whole, and let all small businesses operate as they should, and let grown adults make their own decisions, they wouldn’t need the government assistance that the government wants to force on them .

And besides, your article doesn’t disavow the percentages I mention.

Most of the bill is to bailout Democrat disasters like New York, California, and Illinois. Thankfully the Planned Parenthood provision that they tried to ram through was stopped.

And $1400 is not going to pull anyone out of poverty, but your liberal media will make you feel like it is.

But don’t worry, if you’re one of the members here who gets a tax refund, you pay no taxes so it may not affect you. Now the other half of the members, the white liberal elite affluent ones, will have to pay more for it.

Of course, Rachel Maddow and The Huffington Post won’t mention that.

this post is just an ad hoc collection of various memes not rooted in any fact whatsoever. your opinions are not the same as facts. if you'd like me to post the parts of the article that make you look even more foolish, i'm happy to do so.

those Democratic "disasters" are where the nation's GDP comes from, and used to bail out folks such as yourself. given that you've described yourself as lower income, you're the kind of person who is going to benefit the most from this legislation.

i won't be seeing a dime of it. but that's ok. i'm doing just fine. i'm happy to give my money to people like you who need the help, even if they're going to kick and scream over getting the help they need.

it's like when Obama gave heath care to the people who were calling him the N-word. it took a few years, but eventually they realize their lives were better with health care than without it. i imagine you'll eventually feel the same.

good luck. i'm really am pulling for you and want the best for you. electing Democrats to Congress and the Senate is the best thing i could possibly do for you to help you improve your life and live safer and healthier than you might otherwise be inclined to.

happy Sunday.
9% of the bill is for COVID relief, the rest is for bailing out financially mismanaged Democrat run states and cities, and various other liberal pork that they are ramming through. Or, have you not looked to see what’s in the bill?
I don’t need memes, my friend, I just read more than the headlines of liberal biased rags like this.

Schools don’t need more money to reopen, just reopen, many have already done so and are fine.

The science you love so much shows that children are not strong transmitters, and are actually being mentally harmed by not opening.

If we would just reopen the country as a whole, and let all small businesses operate as they should, and let grown adults make their own decisions, they wouldn’t need the government assistance that the government wants to force on them .

And besides, your article doesn’t disavow the percentages I mention.

Most of the bill is to bailout Democrat disasters like New York, California, and Illinois. Thankfully the Planned Parenthood provision that they tried to ram through was stopped.

And $1400 is not going to pull anyone out of poverty, but your liberal media will make you feel like it is.

But don’t worry, if you’re one of the members here who gets a tax refund, you pay no taxes so it may not affect you. Now the other half of the members, the white liberal elite affluent ones, will have to pay more for it.

Of course, Rachel Maddow and The Huffington Post won’t mention that.
this post is just an ad hoc collection of various memes not rooted in any fact whatsoever. your opinions are not the same as facts. if you'd like me to post the parts of the article that make you look even more foolish, i'm happy to do so.

those Democratic "disasters" are where the nation's GDP comes from, and used to bail out folks such as yourself. given that you've described yourself as lower income, you're the kind of person who is going to benefit the most from this legislation.

i won't be seeing a dime of it. but that's ok. i'm doing just fine. i'm happy to give my money to people like you who need the help, even if they're going to kick and scream over getting the help they need.

it's like when Obama gave heath care to the people who were calling him the N-word. it took a few years, but eventually they realize their lives were better with health care than without it. i imagine you'll eventually feel the same.

good luck. i'm really am pulling for you and want the best for you. electing Democrats to Congress and the Senate is the best thing i could possibly do for you to help you improve your life and live safer and healthier than you might otherwise be inclined to.

happy Sunday.

LOL!!!! GDP can’t come from states who are almost bankrupt and generate no income because they are failing states. You should read an Economics book.

Your key word in the Obama piece is “giving”. Libs feel they are entitled to the government “giving” them everything. What a joke. The only people who were helped by Obamacare either were the people who didn’t have health insurance. The majority of us saw our premiums go up as well as all care because “the government “ (I.e. taxpayers) will pay the brunt of it. I prefer to decide myself how I’m going to give to charity, not have “The Crown” decide for me.

Well, at least prisoners and illegal immigrants got their stimulus as well, right?

I tell you what Irvine, post an article that shows where the ENTIRETY of the 1.9 trillion dollars is going, and we can discuss it.

And for those of you brave souls that want to split the country, please do!! The liberal states will be a failed nation because they are fiscally irresponsible. Don’t come to the red states looking for another bailout!
LOL!!!! GDP can’t come from states who are almost bankrupt and generate no income because they are failing states. You should read an Economics book.


Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.

California fared a bit better than other blue states. It received 96 cents for every dollar the state sent to Washington.

On average, states received $1.14 in federal spending for every tax dollar they sent to Washington. That’s why the federal government has a budget deficit.

Your key word in the Obama piece is “giving”. Libs feel they are entitled to the government “giving” them everything. What a joke. The only people who were helped by Obamacare either were the people who didn’t have health insurance. The majority of us saw our premiums go up as well as all care because “the government “ (I.e. taxpayers) will pay the brunt of it. I prefer to decide myself how I’m going to give to charity, not have “The Crown” decide for me.

it's called health care. all modern countries have it. the joke is you think that's charity?

maybe you can make a donation to the little girl in Louisiana selling lemonade to fund her brain surgery?

Well, at least prisoners and illegal immigrants got their stimulus as well, right?

I tell you what Irvine, post an article that shows where the ENTIRETY of the 1.9 trillion dollars is going, and we can discuss it.

And for those of you brave souls that want to split the country, please do!! The liberal states will be a failed nation because they are fiscally irresponsible. Don’t come to the red states looking for another bailout!

All told, about 15% of the proposal goes to “long-standing policy priorities that are not directly related to the current crisis,” said the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization formed to educate the public on federal budget issues.

But that’s a far cry from the claim here about little money going to Americans.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget analysis identified $10 billion from the bill as going to foreign affairs. That’s about one-half of 1% of the total.

The bungled 9% figure may have been a misunderstanding of the money tied to direct COVID-19 intervention.

About 8.5% of the $1.9 trillion, at most, goes to direct containment measures such as vaccines and testing. The total is somewhere between $100 billion and $160 billion, depending on whether one includes items like $10 billion in medical supplies and $24 billion in child care for essential workers, as the White House does in arriving at the larger figure.

What’s in the bill

That brings us to the question of what’s actually in the bill.

Republicans have raised this question throughout the discussion of Biden’s proposal, in some cases exaggerating the nature of the spending that’s not tied directly to COVID-19 containment.

A long list of initiatives is clearly related to the pandemic, however.

About 22% of the total bill comes from the $422 billion set aside for $1,400-per-person stimulus checks. Another 13% ($246 billion) is for extending additional unemployment funding of $400 a week.

A combined 12% is going to:

Subsidized COBRA for laid-off workers.
Affordable Care Act subsidies for the next two years.
Expanded nutrition assistance to replace school lunch programs during the pandemic.
Funding for testing and contact tracing.
Disaster Relief Fund increases and covering COVID-19-related funeral expenses.
Grants to airlines and contractors to freeze layoffs through September.
Defense Production Act funding for medical supplies.
Grants for restaurants and bars that have lost revenue in the pandemic.
Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business.

Another $519 billion – 27% of the total – is going to state and local governments and schools, much of which will make up losses related to the pandemic and help schools reopen. Republicans note much of the school funding, however, won’t be spent immediately.

If the government and school aid is included in this category, about 85% of the American Rescue Plan is pandemic-related, according to a breakdown by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

The analysis here examines the House version of the plan, which still must pass the Senate before it could head to Biden’s desk to be signed into law. The Senate could make changes – notably, it is expected to drop efforts to increase the minimum wage –which would bounce it back to the House.

Our ruling: False

We rate this claim FALSE because it is not supported by our research. There’s room for debate over exactly how much of the $1.9 trillion is related to the pandemic. It's surely not all of it. But this claim bungles a widely circulating 9% stat.

More than 99% of the American Rescue Plan is going to Americans, though some of that falls in the category of political “pork.” An analysis by a nonpartisan group found that about 85% of the bill is related to the coronavirus pandemic.

The 9% figure is actually what is going to fund direct disease containment measures such as vaccines, testing and tracing, and other public health initiatives.

now it's your turn. provide the evidence for your claims. or even just one:

Most of the bill is to bailout Democrat disasters like New York, California, and Illinois.

first, define "disaster." then go from there.
9% of the bill is for COVID relief, the rest is for bailing out financially mismanaged Democrat run states and cities, and various other liberal pork that they are ramming through. Or, have you not looked to see what’s in the bill?

How many pages are in the bill? Have you read it or did Hannity tell you this?

I haven't read it, haven't had the time. But I know for damn sure that the vast majority of Republicans are intent upon saying no to anything and everything Biden tries to do. Just as they did with Obama. Constituents be damned.

Maybe Republicans should say no to 100 million vaccines in 100 days too. Btw ahead of schedule on that so far.
i'm happy to give my money to people like you who need the help, even if they're going to kick and scream over getting the help they need.

it's like when Obama gave heath care to the people who were calling him the N-word. it took a few years, but eventually they realize their lives were better with health care than without it. i imagine you'll eventually feel the same.

Hell, polls show that over 70% of voters support this relief bill, INCLUDING a fairly significant portion of Republican/Trump supporters. The GOP kept harping on about unity these past couple months, well, I'd say getting a majority of voters from both sides of the aisle to support the administration's relief bill would certainly fit the definition of "unity".

And yet still the GOP won't even vote on something that a good portion of their own base wants. If this bill is so liberal-friendly, then why do so many conservatives support it, too? And why isn't the GOP listening to those voters?

Care to try and explain that little conundrum for us, Gzusfrk?
I really appreciate Irvine for attempting to reason with the Trump supporter troll who graces us with his presence whenever a major event takes place, just because it makes plain how full of shit they are. But they're arguing in bad faith, so every fact descends a bottomless pit of Republican denial. It's a waste of time as far as changing their mind is concerned, but perhaps not others.
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Schools don’t need more money to reopen, just reopen, many have already done so and are fine.

The science you love so much shows that children are not strong transmitters, and are actually being mentally harmed by not opening.

Less transmissible does not mean not transmissible! Kids can and do spread the disease, even if it's at lower rates. And the UK mutation was said to be transmitted by children at higher rates as well. Let alone the fact that children and teens can develop severe cases or even die. Also, I wasn't aware that teachers at American schools were also children. So what's wrong with investing in schools to make them safer places? Or are investments into school safety only ok when it is to install metal detectors so that nothing needs to be done about access to weapons?

LOL!!!! GDP can’t come from states who are almost bankrupt and generate no income because they are failing states. You should read an Economics book.

Nope, it's not Irvine who should revisit and Economics textbook.

Your key word in the Obama piece is “giving”. Libs feel they are entitled to the government “giving” them everything. What a joke. The only people who were helped by Obamacare either were the people who didn’t have health insurance. The majority of us saw our premiums go up as well as all care because “the government “ (I.e. taxpayers) will pay the brunt of it. I prefer to decide myself how I’m going to give to charity, not have “The Crown” decide for me.

It is the role of the government, or public sector, to allocate the resources where the private market fails. These are called public goods. Healthcare is one such public good, as generally it's not profitable and therefore not provided by the private sector, or it's only provided to those who can afford it. Gofundme is the attempt to fill the gap that's created through an inadequate health insurance system, and it has a terrible performance. In 2019, Gofundme stated on their website that "250,000 campaigns have been set up through the site to help pay for health care costs, raising $650 million in contributions, that averages out at $2,600 per campaign. MSN cites a study that found that only about 10% of all fundraisers reach their target. Even this Newsmax article, probably discussing the same study, says that more needs to be done by the public sector to help people foot their medical bills.
NY Times

By Eric Schmitt and Helene Cooper
March 7, 2021, 11:45 a.m. ET

WASHINGTON — President Biden has nominated two female generals to elite, four-star commands, the Defense Department announced, months after their Pentagon bosses had agreed on their promotions but held them back out of fears that President Donald J. Trump would reject the officers because they were women.

The nominations of Gen. Jacqueline D. Van Ovost of the Air Force to head the Transportation Command, which oversees the military’s sprawling global transportation network, and of Lt. Gen. Laura J. Richardson of the Army to head the Southern Command, which oversees military activities in Latin America, now advance to the Senate, where they are expected to be approved.

The unusual strategy to delay the officers’ promotions — intended to protect their accomplished careers — was devised last fall by Mark T. Esper, the defense secretary at the time, and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

They both thought the two generals were exceptional officers deserving of the commands. But under Mr. Trump, they worried that any candidates other than white men for jobs mostly held by white men might run into resistance once their nominations reached the White House.
And $1400 is not going to pull anyone out of poverty, but your liberal media will make you feel like it is.

But don’t worry, if you’re one of the members here who gets a tax refund, you pay no taxes so it may not affect you. Now the other half of the members, the white liberal elite affluent ones, will have to pay more for it.

Of course, Rachel Maddow and The Huffington Post won’t mention that.

OK, so we know who really needs a lesson in basic economics.

Point 1: Nobody has said or believes a $1,400.00 stimulus check will lift anyone out of poverty. It will however help some struggling folks pay for some essentials in the short term. And it will help stimulate the economy (hence the term stimulus) when hundreds of millions of folks spend that $1,400.00, thus helping out businesses as well. (Which is a Republican creedo is it not? Support business owners)

Point 2. People who get a tax refund pay no taxes? How flipping stupid are you? Let's say I paid $10,000.00 in federal taxes last year, then file my return and it shows that on my adjusted income I should pay $9,500.00 in taxes. I get a $500 refund. But guess what genius...I paid my proper amount of taxes.
Saying folks who get a refund pay no taxes is one of the stupidest things I think I've ever read on this message board. And we all know how many stupid Larry's not on board things get posted here.
LOL!!!! GDP can’t come from states who are almost bankrupt and generate no income because they are failing states. You should read an Economics book.

Your key word in the Obama piece is “giving”. Libs feel they are entitled to the government “giving” them everything. What a joke. The only people who were helped by Obamacare either were the people who didn’t have health insurance. The majority of us saw our premiums go up as well as all care because “the government “ (I.e. taxpayers) will pay the brunt of it. I prefer to decide myself how I’m going to give to charity, not have “The Crown” decide for me.

Well, at least prisoners and illegal immigrants got their stimulus as well, right?

I tell you what Irvine, post an article that shows where the ENTIRETY of the 1.9 trillion dollars is going, and we can discuss it.

And for those of you brave souls that want to split the country, please do!! The liberal states will be a failed nation because they are fiscally irresponsible. Don’t come to the red states looking for another bailout!

Point 2. People who get a tax refund pay no taxes? How flipping stupid are you? Let's say I paid $10,000.00 in federal taxes last year, then file my return and it shows that on my adjusted income I should pay $9,500.00 in taxes. I get a $500 refund. But guess what genius...I paid my proper amount of taxes.
Saying folks who get a refund pay no taxes is one of the stupidest things I think I've ever read on this message board. And we all know how many stupid Larry's not on board things get posted here.

Yeah, this one was a real gem, even by his standards.
Yeah, this one was a real gem, even by his standards.

Lol totally agree! This one almost made me spit out my coffee when I read it. Totally has got to be one of the most stupid things said here by far!

Lol people who received tax refunds pay no taxes lol. Hey gzus, I think you better stop drinking the koolaid, it’s frying your brain. Or atleast what ever little brain cells you have left that is....
Do we think the $15 min wage is dead now? Or will Dems try to craft another bill just for it and then plead with Manchin and Siema to increase it?

Covid Relief is hugely popular, and boosting millions of people's incomes doesn't seem like a political disaster....
also, we basically just got UBI for children.

where are the red roses of Twitter? you'd think they'd be dancing in the streets.
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