US Politics XVII: Yes, squid pro row

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Younger people are not content with employment and “the economy” because it has written them out. The economy doesn’t mean shit.

The low turnout to vote amongst young people and high turnout of old people does. Younger people need to vote.
2) the economy flying and unemployment so low means that a candidate who's promising vast changes to the economy won't do well in the geenral - and that the vast electorate will ignore income inequality and wage stagnation and other more nuanced reasons of why our economy is not as good as it seems because we, as a nation, are dumb twits with the attention span of a golden retriever and need things presented to us in pithy, easy to digest marketing slogans.

Jerry Dunk;8Qaeda317816 said:
Also, that Douthat column is a cynical ploy to give upper middle class NYT readers ammo that Sanders is weak on social issues.
I assume u r referring to NYT readers as upper middle class in this particular case. Not everyone who reads the NYT is upper mc.

And BTW I did apologize to you, if you'd care to read it - i'd forgot a key thing you had said which made me react that way.

generally, Sanders has had a generally easy political life. he been elected forever in a tiny, white state, only facing real opposition when he switches parties to run as a Democrat, like he did in 2016 and 2020. since his core supporters are loyal/fanatical, no one wants to risk alienating them, his opponents go very gentle on him.

but the oppo is there, and has been:

all i care about is sending Trump to his political grave.
And jail, hopefully!

as for Bernie? Holy crackers! :ohmy: re oppo stuff. I'd like to see the documentation on all that.

You may think so but anecdotally I think the point of the article is absolutely right on.

My husband meets, as part of his job, with multi-millionaire Americans on the daily and not a single one wants Sanders. Most of them were actually willing to vote for Elizabeth Warren (which I think you've pointed out, in a negative way before), but they will vote Trump over Bernie. And that makes absolute sense because this crowd does not give a tenth of a fuck about abortion, gays or anything other than their tax returns and earnings statements.
Wow. Some of them would consider Warren?
Younger people are not content with employment and “the economy” because it has written them out. The economy doesn’t mean shit.

The low turnout to vote amongst young people and high turnout of old people does. Younger people need to vote.

As a younger people, once... I couldn't wait to vote! I was in the very first wave of 18 yr olds yo vote in '71. I've hardly ever missed a vote.
This is a bit of law-geekery on my part but I have posted here many times over probably a decade about Professor Pam Karlan and why I wish that Obama had nominated her. She is just not taking the GOP's shit.

Yeah, yet another uber liberal professor who wants to indoctrinate young people with their own beliefs rather than teaching them how to think. We don't NEARLY have enough of those in America. ?
Dude I look across this thread and see many people with many viewpoints. Not enough on the right, yes, but when I think of people who are “indoctrinated” I think of you first and foremost.
generally, Sanders has had a generally easy political life. he been elected forever in a tiny, white state, only facing real opposition when he switches parties to run as a Democrat, like he did in 2016 and 2020. since his core supporters are loyal/fanatical, no one wants to risk alienating them, his opponents go very gentle on him.

but the oppo is there, and has been:

this combined with the toxic word "socialist" ... big risks, and total field day for the COC conservatives who despise Trump, but also despise taxes.

I do think an advantage he has is one that Trump has -- his supporters believe Bernie before they believe anything or anyone else. Bernie is the prism through which information is understood, much like Trump is that prism for his base. this is clearly a powerful weapon in politics, as it won Trump the presidency in 2016. perhaps it is the best strategy to send up a left wing Trump and see if he can work the same magic but on the opposite side of the political spectrum.

i am all for whoever will best beat Trump. so if we see evidence that Sanders is the best candidate to win, that he can out Trump Trump, then i will support him.

all i care about is sending Trump to his political grave.

"fake news," i guess.
None of that is new, though. It all surfaced already in 2016. And he's polling stronger now than he did then.

Sanders is the only candidate I see who can get young voters to the polls, which is part of why I think he's easily the best candidate to beat Trump.
Wow. Some of them would consider Warren?
Yes. The chosen tactic of the wealthy class this time around has been to disparage Warren and ignore Sanders. They don't want to even acknowledge the possibility of Sanders, in hopes to drive the conversation further right. Warren has responded by capitulating to them, and reneging on her most leftward stances. And wouldn't you know it, her polling has tanked right as she backed off Medicare for All!

Meanwhile, Mayor McKinsey has had himself a hell of a week.

Mayor Pete is really turning into a disappointment for me. I found him very intelligent and articulate at the start but now he just comes across as an empty suit. Can anyone articulate what he actually stands for?
Mayor Pete is really turning into a disappointment for me. I found him very intelligent and articulate at the start but now he just comes across as an empty suit. Can anyone articulate what he actually stands for?

I agree with you. For me all he "stands for" at this point is a more moderate candidate compared to some of the others. If you go to his web site you can supposedly find out more detailed positions, I haven't done that. They like him in Iowa.

I get the sense that he's a decent human being and that's very important to me. But I also have serious questions about his actions as mayor re the black community and police there. Of course it's completely shameful and disgusting that Trump was elected in spite of racist activities as a businessman, and the Central Park Five issues, and more. As President, being very generous, he's a blatant racial opportunist. To me he's racist and a misogynist.

While the focus has to be on the present moment and the danger Trump poses

It’s scary to read this and know if/when he’s gone, the damage will continue for decades.
The damage done by this president will last for decades. Some of it is irreversible.

Four more years and our democracy as we know it is dead (if it isn't already as it was already on life support before dipshit even took office).
Linda Ronstahdt brings it at Kennedy Center Awards Pre-dinner

DECEMBER 8, 2019 7:23PM ET

Linda Ronstadt Tells Mike Pompeo to His Face: ‘He’ll Be Loved, When He Stops Enabling Donald Trump’
The 200 guests in attendance responded to the remark with cheers


Linda Ronstadt did not let Saturday night’s festivities stop her from telling Secretary of State Mike Pompeo what she thought about his connection to President Donald Trump.

“I’d like to say to Mr. Pompeo, who wonders when he’ll be loved, it’s when he stops enabling Donald Trump.”

The singer, songwriter and activist is one of the Kennedy Center’s Honorees this year. Both Ronstadt and Pompeo attended a pre-gala dinner where honorees were awarded their ribbons at the State Department.

Early in the evening Pompeo, who played host, referred to the lyrics of “When I Be Loved,” one of Ronstadt’s hit songs, saying to the 200 guests gathered, “As I travel the world, I wonder when will I be loved.”

Later, in the evening Ronstadt rose from her chair to deliver the zinger. And according to Variety, the audience first gasped, which was followed by slow applause that turned into cheers.

Variety, went on to report that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attended the event and was greeted with a standing ovation.

While the focus has to be on the present moment and the danger Trump poses
It’s scary to read this and know if/when he’s gone, the damage will continue for decades.
Hoooo boy, yeah. Hopefully some of them will be ousted sooner than later.

The damage done by this president will last for decades. Some of it is irreversible.

Four more years and our democracy as we know it is dead (if it isn't already as it was already on life support before dipshit even took office).
I don't know about "life support", but probably in the ICU.

Barr must also be impeached.

He just gave a big speech to a conservative organization "return to Judeo-Christian values" stuff (NYT Monday 13-9-19). Now, I am a spiritual person but i don't want a Theocracy of in any religion in our USA! I reject rightist doctrines from any religion, or in our secular governance.

Plus travelling around the world to prop up false narratives of drumph, ? "Ukrainian servet", etc.
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Our democracy has been on life support since Citizen's United

What's left may already be brain dead.

We've made terrible mistakes before, both domestically and in foreign policy. Horrible atrocities.

This is different.

This administration, and the GOP's defense of it, has ripped apart whatever was left of the Constitution, wiped their ass with it, and tossed it aside.

I'm not sure if we'll ever recover from this.
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The lawyer for the House Republicans brought his documents to the hearing in a reusable grocery bag lol. Hamberders anyone? It looks like hamberders on the bag.

Imagine how pathetic your life must be if you are willing to debase yourself and your reputation for Donald Trump, a man who has shown that he has loyalty to nobody other than himself and nothing other than the almighty dollar.
republicans are trash:

When the Ukraine scandal burst into the news, a widespread consensus agreed that the allegations were deeply improper, and quite likely impeachable. “I think it would be wildly inappropriate for an American president to invite a foreign country’s leader to get engaged in an American presidential election. That strikes me as entirely inappropriate,” pronounced Republican Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania. “If there is evidence of a quid pro quo, many think the dam will start to break on our side,” one Republican told the Washington Examiner in September. “Maybe if he withheld aid and there was a direct quid pro quo,” add another. Even a sycophant like Lindsey Graham conceded at the time that he might support impeachment “if you could show me that, you know, Trump actually was engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing.”

Even as the White House has withheld most documentary evidence and testimony from central figures like Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Rudy Giuliani, and Trump himself, the case has been proved beyond any sliver of a doubt. Trump and his agents communicated to Ukraine through a variety of channels that they intended to trade a presidential meeting and military aid for the announcement of investigations into Trump’s domestic rivals. The terms of the deal are so obvious that even a fraction of the evidence was sufficient to establish it.

The primary effect of the proliferation of evidence upon the Republicans has been to persuade them to change their standards as to what is acceptable presidential conduct. Oklahoma representative Tom Cole said in September that the whistle-blower complaint is “a serious matter, and I will continue to thoughtfully consider information as it becomes available.” But Cole quickly decided that he was tired of considering information thoughtfully. “It doesn’t matter much anymore,” he said last month.

Many members of the mainstream media have defined this response as “partisanship.” A New York Times analysis noted that the parties in Monday’s hearings “presented radically competing versions of reality. CNN’s Chris Cillizza called the hearings “a bunch of adults yelling at one another over matters that almost no one watching understood or cares about.”

The reality is that the parties have, if anything, converged on a shared set of facts, at least as it pertains to the Ukraine scandal. Whereas Republicans previously refused to connect the dots that showed Trump’s Ukraine extortion, they have increasingly accepted reality. They have simply redefined the unacceptable as acceptable.

Ted Cruz, appearing on Meet the Press Sunday, denied that Trump had engaged in a high crime or misdemeanor, without denying the underlying conduct. “I believe any president, any Justice Department,” he insisted, “has the authority to investigate corruption.”

The U.S. government has procedures in place to ascertain whether recipients of foreign aid have taken adequate steps to police corruption, and Ukraine passed the test. Indeed, Ukraine’s government is in the midst of a sweeping reform era, which is precisely why Trump — whose allies are working to recorrupt it — greeted the new regime so suspiciously. The “authority” Cruz is defending is ad hoc power to call any political opponent “corrupt” and demand an investigation. If Trump wants to ask Cuba to investigate Rafael Cruz for taking payments to help cover up the murder of John F. Kennedy Jr., by Ted Cruz’s reckoning, he has every right to do so.

Impeachment Is Partisan Because the GOP Changed Its Mind
How about the picture of Adam Schiff on a milk carton? They actually did that. And of course missing kids is really something to goof on.

Exactly the poster that came to mind as I made that post. What an incredibly insensitive, tone deaf response. But of course, that's the GOP's M.O. now, so...sadly not surprising.

But Cole quickly decided that he was tired of considering information thoughtfully. “It doesn’t matter much anymore,” he said last month.

Awwwwww, you're tired, Cole?

Too. Damn. Bad. That's your fucking job. And yes, it matters. It matters a hell of a lot. If he honestly doesn't give a shit, then he can step aside and let somebody who actually does care do the job instead.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Fuck the GOP.
Our democracy has been on life support since Citizen's United

What's left may already be brain dead.

We've made terrible mistakes before, both domestically and in foreign policy. Horrible atrocities.

This is different.

This administration, and the GOP's defense of it, has ripped apart whatever was left of the Constitution, wiped their ass with it, and tossed it aside.

I'm not sure if we'll ever recover from this.
Oh, jeez, yeah CU. Of course. :censored: At least for me, i think drumphs constant lying, cruelty, greed, dangerous policies, etc- has "drowned out " the background noise of CU. And with Supremes as they are good luck gettin that changed for now. :sad:

The lawyer for the House Republicans brought his documents to the hearing in a reusable grocery bag lol. Hamberders anyone? It looks like hamberders on the bag.

View attachment 12386
Veggie burgers, maybe? Pretty pale looking for hamberders...
How about the picture of Adam Schiff on a milk carton? They actually did that. And of course missing kids is really something to goof on.
god almighty that is sooo cruel to any who has gone through the realn experience. I haven't seen it.
Imagine how pathetic your life must be if you are willing to debase yourself and your reputation for Donald Trump, a man who has shown that he has loyalty to nobody other than himself and nothing other than the almighty dollar.

Heh, yeah.
But remember it's beyond loyalty - it's fealty as someone wrote fairly early on.
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