U2's Musical Evolution in Comparison to the Evolution from Child Hood, to Adult Hood

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Jul 21, 2011
Saint John, New Brunswick
I spent about an hour this evening, reading this article A Synthesis of U2 and The Beatles (very interesting, if your as big of a Beatles fan, as a U2 fan, like myself.) The article offers a neat idea of the evolution of U2 as a band, and I started to think that perhaps there was more to the evolution then I previously thought. I spent a little bit jotting down some very rough ideas, and I thought I'd post them, and see if anyone else agree. Again, Keep in mind that these are VERY rough, and more of a "train of thought brain storm" then anything. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask, as well. Thanks

Boy- Transition from childhood into "something different"
October- Awkward teen years 12-18. Lack Luster album sales, an "awkward" religious feel. the feeling of a band with out direction.
similar to a teenager. lost, venturing into the unknown. often times embarassing oneself with feelings, and thoughts. (confused fan base, with religious over tones)
War-(Age) 18-23- Rock album, College years, a "controlled disaster" almost a party album " two hears beat as one "will you dance with me." confidence, the feeling of finding ones
own voice, ones self. leaving the Awkward teen years, and entering a fun, exciting, dangerous part of your life
The unforgetable fire-23-30- refined, educated, mature, thought out.post-college. an educated album, cronicaling the tales, and experiences of ALL the previous years
The Joshua Tree- 30-37- a "Safe" zone. In the stride of ones life. Finished college, finished Post college bachlor pad and now has a Career, Family, house, everything is going well,
and one knows it. picket fence, and mini van in the suburbs
Achtung- 37-44- Mid life Crisis. afriad of the feeling of being "stuck" in the "safe" zone of the early 30s. Glits, Glammer,Leather
a new beginning, a different, more experimental, and un-safe sound. The need for escape (The sound of four men chopping down the joshua tree-Bono)
(we need to go away, and dream it all up again-Bono, end of joshua tree tour)
Zooropa- 44-46. Divorced. Out of control. trying new things with new people. searching for new colors, sounds, experinces.
Pop- 46-50. The equilivent to buying a mustang, in your late 40s. peacocking. a swing, and a miss at being hip. leaves one wondering
What Happened. an old man experimenting in a young mans world (a 20yr old girl, shooting down a 50 yr old at a bar)
All that you cant leave behind- 50-55- Returning home, simple. calming down (thinking that age 45-50 were a possible mistake)
A step back into whats important in life. humility. empathy-- a Step back into the real world
Atomic bomb-55-60- a realization that one can have his feet on the ground, while still having his head in the clouds. The age where
one realizes that he can still hold the well balanced values of the Joshua tree days, while still experiencing
new things, like the achtung days. a feeling of Freedom, and liberty
No line - 60+ - a fizzeling out (sorry to say) one passion to experience fades, and his need for "safety" increases. an "end of life" feeling.
New Album - (hopefully not a 60+ going to a bar, and being shot down, but probably will be)
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And fat.

And old.

And has hair plugs.

Almost makes Chris Martin seem OK, but not quite.

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