U2 filming at Corner Hotel, Melbourne?????

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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How very cool! What a bunch of lucky people! :drool:

I'm trying to remember if I was anywhere near this hotel when I was in and around Melbourne...:hmm:
Well, I bit the bullet and raced down to The Corner only to find that I was 45 mins too late! :sigh:

It seems there's still a glimmer of hope that they may return tomorrow....fingers crossed anyway! :D
U2girl said:
1) How do we know they were annoyed?

2) Sounds like another performance video to me.

3) Yes.

No, 1) *I* am annoyed about the video shooting after U218 release

2) Yes, performance video...but at least a bit different to the usual "men in a warehouse playing"

3) Yes :)
Here's another article about it ...

"ROCK royalty came to the streets of Richmond yesterday when U2 filmed a music video at the Corner Hotel.

U2 filmed scenes for Window in the Skies with 300 extras at the pub. The song will be the next release from their new compilation 18 Singles.

Bono talked with fans before entering the venue, coming straight from a meeting with Treasurer Peter Costello.

The extras all signed confidentiality clauses.

Scenes were shot inside the bandroom and on the rooftop beer garden."
thelaj said:

No, 1) *I* am annoyed about the video shooting after U218 release

2) Yes, performance video...but at least a bit different to the usual "men in a warehouse playing"

3) Yes :)

1) Ah, ok then. Thought you meant U2 were looking pissed off when they were making the video.

2) Well, it looks like it will be "men in a small club playing" ;)
originally posted by belbelchic
Everyone i chat to, has meet up with bono, i travelled to sydney and back, and didnt get the chance to see him

im so depressed right now :sad:

This is happening to me as well. :sad:

is there any point in trying to get down there after school todya?
ahhhh, i heard that they were filming but i didn't get details of when or where! and i didn't even think to head down to treasury place to wait for bono to leave his meeting with peter costello. its funny that peter's bro tim is involved with make poverty history...

anyway, my internet was being slow at home, so thought i should just get out of the house and i was going to go to an internet cafe to check these forums to see what was happening. anyway i got sidetracked for like 2 hours and only checked this thread at about 7 - which was too late to get down there and possibly be involved (as some people living nearby just joined in cos they were wondering what was going on). anyway, i wish i had checked this damn forum as soon as i got to the internet cafe! cos bono only got their (the corner) at like 4/5 yesterday anyway.

yeah, the sunset was really pretty, and thats a great view of the city up there (the corner), this is gonna be awesome!! with the train line framing it all... coool

and also i don't know if anyone has said this.. but U2 weren't playing asuch, they were just in the crowd, which is pretty cool for all the extras!!
(i randomly asked this lady if i could stand in on her interviewing a guy... who was just luckily walking past that morning and the crew asked him to join in, and that the experience was surreal for him because he said that the edge is and has been his guitar inspiration since he has been young!!) anyway, we got talking and later she said that she writes for the Herald Sun... and so her article is in there today.. her name was Emily (Power? I can't remember).

So basically, annoyed that I didn't somehow get involved (damn all those models, dancers and actors! hehe). but i hope its a good video...

butttt i did get the chance to have a photo with larry!! as he was making his way around the car, i was just taking photos of him, seriously he was like an animal in a zoo with cameras and phones inches from his face. the girls around me were getting photos with him, and i didn't want to be forceful and be like "I WANT A PHOTO, I NEED A PHOTO" etc so i wasn't really pressing the issue. but then i was just standing right in front of him and we kind of looked at each other and he sort of made a shrugging gester like 'do you want a photo?' and i shrugged as well sort of saying 'sure! why not?' and so i hopped next to him, thrust my phone to someone and she took a photo for me. its pretty unbelievable, just stading next to him and it doesn't even feel like ive met HIM, you know? it was pretty chill. ahhh if only i could meet bono!!

the bono thing is annoying... cos on sunday i was lazily at home on the computer reading about freaking U2, rather than going to telstra and waiting outside the entrance... where bono stopped and signed stuff! arghh i was even planning on going in... but i got sidetracked on the computer.. and the fact that they released extra tickets as well... i could have gotten bono to sign my u2 by u2 book.. gotten some photos of him... bought a ticket... and seen their second show... i am so annoyed about this! i guess it makes up for it that i got a photo with larry.. but its annoying that i could have gotten one with bono! lol

RE: Filming Today

I dunno... last night they seemed to be packing up all the filming equipment and taking it away...

One newspaper mentioned that they were leaving tomorrow.. any thoughts on that? Airport stakeouts anyone? Lol.

Photo (not really a fan of people knowing what i look like... lol.. but its me! hehe) :


ps i only just found this forum, but im a longtime u2 fan :D not just some celeb hungry person!!
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the paper said they were there from 4pm -7 pm, so really had no chance

they selected random ppl some from flemington to see if they were interested

i had no chance i was in at the doctors
Hey Bellbird I think i saw you there!!!

I remember a cute girl ( ;) ), who kinda shyly went up to Larry and got a photo, and without seeing your face I think I remember where he, and you were at the time.
I thought Larry was really cool, just chilled out, and took he's time to get photos and do autographs and made his way around the car. Really nice of him when he could just as easily have signed a few things and hopped straight in.
Bollocks!!! I've only just found out about this and what's really painful is that 4.45 pm yesterday I was on a train going over Richmond Station bridge looking down at the Corner wondering why there were all these people there on a Monday arvo!! :mad:

Oh, and when I landed at Melb airport Friday afternoon, we had just missed Bono by about 5 minutes.

2 cities, no U2 sightings anywhere :sad:
belbelchic said:
well i tried heaps of times to get to that Make poverty history concert, with no luck

scalpers ended up selling tickets for $290

i travelled to sydney, saw 5 shows in total, including 2 melbourne, and nothing


I feel your pain, so far flown Perth -> Brisbane -> Sydney -> Melbourne -> Auckland.

5 shows, 2 rehearsals and no Bono, now I find out he still in Melb swanning around with fans in a pub!! :sad:
Awesome night. I was in the audience near him when we were meant to be a crowd looking at a band. Larry really impressed me. I was just an anybody but he chatted to me for about 5 minutes. I always thought he was a quiet bloke but he was laughing away at his own jokes. He was pretty funny too. He was impressed by the night and he was so good-natured because they had to have make up etc and he took his sunglasses off and he truly still looks about 23 (maybe with a couple of wrinkles). But he was incredibly charming, not just to me but to everyone else and there were cameras going off all over the place and people were putting phones in his face but he never flinched and took it all in stride.

One word describes Larry.



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very nice pic BinM :up:

I heard from my friend the cameraman. I asked for details about the weekend and filming, but he didn't have time to tell me anything yet. Said that he was very busy and they weren't allowed to take pics. And he was working / filming at the Corner Hotel too!

here's that picture for the non-premium members who can't see it:

enjoy :happy:
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I talked to The Edge too but he was a little bit more refined as if it was all a bit beneath him.

He was still nice and smiled but you think that if The Edge never had to do a film clip, it wouldn't worry him.

He might still be thinking about his daughter and being away.


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Bono in Melb you were very lucky to be part of the fliming and chatting to Larry and Edge. :)

Thank you for posting the photos. :) Larry looking so cute those sunnies suit him ;)
I saw Larry on the gold coast i didn't get to chat for 5 mins with him.I must say he has beautiful blue eyes. Such beautiful skin too. All the band had beautiful skin and look so good for there age. :)
No worries mate

I still can't believe my luck and can't wait to see the new film clip.

I guess I will become immortal.

In 500 years time when they are doing a review on the greatest rock n roll band of all time on the 3 dimensional video machine somewhere in one of the new colonies of alfa centuri, I will pop up on the Windows to the Skies video filmed at the Corner Hotel.

Wow. Lord Jesus take me now. I am ready.
you sure you were there ??

Bono in Melb said:
Its over.

It was mainly crowd scenes watching them sing and play on the stage and some shots running up and down stairs and if anyone knows the Corner, us extras all standing around in the Beer Garden with Bono singing up there as well.

The sunset was one of the prettiest of all time and they did a shot of Bono and Larry upstairs sing and watching the sunset.

Just flew back from MELBOURNE and

thats not how we saw it . Are you sure you were there ??They played onstage did they ?? NOT !!! Just running up and down stairs ??? NOT !!! Bono singing upstairs ?? NOT !!! oh and LARRY as well ?? NOT !!! Can you tell me where EDGE and LARRY were inside and what you looked like , because if you were that close to them AND spoke to them for so long we must have beenstanding next to each other .
Re: you sure you were there ??

abombdismantler said:

Just flew back from MELBOURNE and

thats not how we saw it . Are you sure you were there ??They played onstage did they ?? NOT !!! Just running up and down stairs ??? NOT !!! Bono singing upstairs ?? NOT !!! oh and LARRY as well ?? NOT !!! Can you tell me where EDGE and LARRY were inside and what you looked like , because if you were that close to them AND spoke to them for so long we must have beenstanding next to each other .

:ohmy: :corn:
I spoke to them outside the Corner Hotel while they were waiting around as the photo of Larry shows.

Bono was upstairs in The Beer Garden, not singing but looking out and they did a scene of the camera on him and Larry and The Edge were in the crowd for a crowd scene downstairs.

Larry smiled at me once we were inside and he took off his shades as he remembered me. I was standing next to the pretty blonde girl who was between them. So unless YOU ARE that pretty blonde girl then, I would say I was closer to both of them both inside and outside the Corner.

but that is okay. Their is plenty of U2 for everyone.

The Corner Hotel has gone back to normal now.

But it will never be the same again.

cdb657 said:
Hey Bellbird I think i saw you there!!!

I remember a cute girl ( ;) ), who kinda shyly went up to Larry and got a photo, and without seeing your face I think I remember where he, and you were at the time.
I thought Larry was really cool, just chilled out, and took he's time to get photos and do autographs and made his way around the car. Really nice of him when he could just as easily have signed a few things and hopped straight in.

hahaha. yeah i didn't really wanna PUSH myself on Larry if you know what I mean? but then i was just suddenly in front of him.. and so yeah, like my story goes it was just like 'sure! why not?' hehe. but unfortunately my camera phone is only flattering for Larry :S (he looks so "rockstar" lol).

Can't wait for the video!!

Kicking myself for not waiting outside Telstra on Sunday... as i had planned to... as I later found out Bono got out of his car and signed autographs :(
hahaha. yeah i didn't really wanna PUSH myself on Larry if you know what I mean? but then i was just suddenly in front of him.. and so yeah, like my story goes it was just like 'sure! why not?' hehe.

Yeah I remember you. I actually remember thinking, "hey that girl is cute (ahem sorry) and hmmm she seems realllly hesitant about jumping near Larry". It was really funny to watch, one second you were like a dear caught in headlights, then you were right up close.
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cdb657 said:

Yeah I remember you. I actually remember thinking, "hey that girl is cute (ahem sorry) and hmmm she seems realllly hesitant about jumping near Larry". It was really funny to watch, one second you were like a dear caught in headlights, then you were right up close.

hahaha, this is funny reading about someone elses perspective of you. funny and yet weird at the same time. someones always watching... "big brother".



Bono in Melb said:
the heart is in bloom


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